30.2.2 w/ PR 8051
Pre-releaseFor the OFFICIAL OBS release, see https://github.com/obsproject/obs-studio/releases
This is a custom build of OBS with PR 8051, which is not a breaking change. This PR enables the Media Playlist Source plugin to continue playing even if the playlist or other settings are modified, unlike VLC Video Source restarting from the first file whenever any setting is changed.
Unfortunately, I can not provide installers as the installer build process is not automated in the OBS repo.
For windows, you can simply extract the contents and replace the ones in your obs-studio folder. Should you wish to revert to an official OBS release, simply run the installer of the official OBS release. If you wish to stay on this custom build, DO NOT USE THE AUTO-UPDATER IN OBS. You could request a custom build of a newer version from me, or wait till I release an updated one.