A discord bot, made by people around the world
Bleeding Edge bot invite (most likely to be down, used to test new commits): https://discord.com/api/oauth2/authorize?client_id=768549646720172042&permissions=379968&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fruthenic.github.io&response_type=code&scope=rpc.notifications.read%20bot%20messages.read%20guilds.join%20guilds
!/help Show the command list. !/credits Basically credits. !/ping Ping the bot. !/owo Print a random OwO/UwU. !/owoify Turn your text into the text, but a furry said it owo !/say (text) Make the bot say something. !/range (first-number), (second-number) Make the bot generate a random number in given range. !/math (math-stuff) Do simple math. !/eval Evaluate something. Owner only. !/translate (to-be-translated) Translates the string behind the command from the language it is in to English