The Java Version of the Gerald Discord Bot
Welcome to Gerald! Gerald is just another bot for your lovely Discord server! To give you a rough overview here are some of the main features:
- Chat with GeraldAI: We have implemented an ChatAI into our bot to allow users to chat with him in real time. Type /chat enable in a channel to enable it
- Dig Tunnels: You can dig tunnels to channels of other servers (or your own), this allows you two connect two textchannels. The messages of one channel will be mirrored to the channel and vice versa!
- Play with Gerald: The Bot includes implementations of various "mini-games" like "Would you rather", Deathmatches or Fruit Guessing
- Compile Code: You can use Gerald to let an online compiler run some code for you
- Various other commands: Because we have lots of random commands like 8ball, inspiro, random facts, emojify and much much more!
To invite Gerald you can just click here
Are you having troubles or questions about Gerald or want to talk to the developers? You can join our development Discord server and get the support you need there:
Optionally you can also send us an email.
- Java 8 Adopt Open JDK - an open source Java JDK
- Hibernate - Java ORM for persistence
- Spring Boot - Dependency Injection and microservices
- PostgreSQL - Database
- JDA - Discord API wrapper for Java
You want to host Gerald yourself? No problem just follow the following steps and you are good to go:
- Download the latest build from our Jenkins (direct download)
- Create a file with name "" with following content:
- Set up a local Postgres Database with a database named "BaristaDB"
- If you want to use the ChatAPI you also need to grab the AIML files from our CDN and place them in an AIML folder at the root of the project. This folder will also need to be present at the root of the JAR folder.
We will soon make a follow up wiki entry for the whole GeraldConfig topic since there are more options to configure if you like!
Do you want to contribute to the bot yourself? Great news: you can! Just join our Discord and coordinate with us.
We are currently not maintaining our GitHub issues due to the fact that we are a small team and mostly write all the code ourselves, if you want to contribute in that way check in after a week or two when we have finally managed to maintain our repo page!