Welcome to the Google's Code Next github page. Here you can find the code to many of our workshops, clubs and learning experiences.
- JavaScript demos and challenges from Team Edge Term 0 - for Node.js
- Front End demos and challenges from Team Edge Term 0
- Team Edge Front end 2018- Term 1 JavaScript
- API Playground - jQuery version
- P5.js Examples
- Fun With Marvel - ES6 template strings
- PokeAPI Battle challenges- jQuery version
- Personality Quiz - Ninja Turtles
- Personality Quiz - Ninja Turtles v2
- Fun with jQuery - challenges
- Bootstrap portfolio starter
- Flask on the Pi- basic demos using Flask on the Pi
- Flask Chat with flask-socketio
- Flask photobooth - teaching branch
- Flask photobooth - finished branch
- Toggle LED Flask
- Flask Slider Form
- Flask Camera Stream - A livestream example for the Rasperry Pi Cam
- Coach Wolf's Pi Playground 3
- Command API demo Flask
- My Pet Monster app demo
- Droidgram - upchallenge app
- Spotifly app - Day 1
- Emojify App - Android w/ Firebase and Mobile Vision
- Java HashMap Example - from Google Applied CS Skills
- Volley Starter Android App
- Paco's Kitchen Android App
- Collection of apps and challenges for Team Edge
- Shared Prefs example Android app
- Earthquake Map Android
- Movie Surver app
- COVID Tracker app
- Trading Card app
- Raspimon Academy
- Team Edge Python Term 0
- TeamEdge Picamera Examples (Streaming video, Capture, Slider) using CV2
- Flask-coral - using aiy-maker kit from Coral
- Pixel Paint for SenseHat on Anvil
- Python on the Pi
- Cloud Vision Example, requires PiCamera
- Anvil Data Tables Example for Logging Environmental Data from Raspberry Pi
- OpenCV Face Recognition examples
- Raspberry Pi Motion (PIR) sensor
- Catchem SenseHat game
- Flask with SenseHat and Rasperry Pi Inspiration