Communicate with the CoScale API using this convenient Command Line Interface.
The CLI allows you to automate the following actions:
- Manage Servers, Metrics, Events and Alerts
- Push and retrieve data for Metrics and Events
The easiest way to use the CLI is by using the Docker image that is available on the Docker hub.
docker run coscale/cli [your command] --app-id=[application_id] --access-token=[accesstoken]
In bash you can create a shortcut by putting the following function in ~/.bashrc:
function coscale-cli {
export ARGS=''; for ARG in "$@"; do if [[ "$ARG" != "${ARG%[[:space:]]*}" ]]; then ARG=\'$ARG\'; fi; ARGS="$ARGS $ARG"; done
bash -c "docker run coscale/cli ${ARGS} --app-id=[application_id] --access-token=[access_token]"
Don't forget to fill in your application id and access token as provided on the Access Token page in the CoScale UI. Restart you bash terminal, you can now use coscale-cli without having to provide the applicaiton id and access token every time.
coscale-cli <object> <action> [--<field>='<data>']
Actions for command "coscale-cli":
event <action> [--<field>='<data>']
server <action> [--<field>='<data>']
servergroup <action> [--<field>='<data>']
metric <action> [--<field>='<data>']
metricgroup <action> [--<field>='<data>']
data <action> [--<field>='<data>']
alert <action> [--<field>='<data>']
Create an event category called "Releases"
coscale-cli event new --name "Releases"
This returns an event category object
"id": 53,
"version": 1,
"state": "ENABLED",
"name": "Releases",
"description": "",
"attributeDescriptions": "[]",
"type": "",
"source": "cli",
"icon": null
Add a CoScale event to the "Releases" event category
coscale-cli event newdata --name "Releases" --message "V2.3.4" --subject "a"
This returns the event object
"gid": "AVwbfl-1EjRUeON0eWk5",
"id": 16215,
"applicationId": 21,
"timestamp": 1495109885,
"stopTime": null,
"updateTime": 1495109885,
"message": "V2.3.4",
"subject": "a",
"attribute": "{}",
"version": 1,
"eventId": 53
Add a server to CoScale that that will not run a CoScale agent, but can be used to push custom events and metrics to.
coscale-cli server new --name "cron server" --description "Server that that runs cron jobs"
This returns the server object
"id": 341,
"version": 1,
"state": "ENABLED",
"name": "cron server",
"description": "Server that that runs cron jobs",
"type": "",
"source": "cli",
"startTime": null,
"stopTime": null
Delete the cron server.
coscale-cli server delete --name "cron server"
This does not return any output when successful, the exit code should be 0.
coscale-cli alert list --filter unresolved
This returns a list of unresolved alerts.
"id": 24,
"version": 1,
"created": 1495015602,
"lastOccurence": 1495110060,
"occurrences": 195,
"sent": 1495015637,
"backup": null,
"escalation": null,
"acknowledged": null,
"acknowledgedBy": null,
"resolved": null,
"resolvedBy": null,
"onApp": false,
"config": "agentTimeout() > 300",
"acknowledgeMailSent": null,
"autoresolveMailSent": null,
"anomalyMessage": null,
"dimensionSpec": "[]",
"thirdparty": null,
"metricId": null,
"serverId": 271,
"groupId": null,
"aggregatedIntoId": null
Use the alert id to resolve the unresolved alert. In this example we will use the alert id from the previous alert list output.
coscale-cli alert resolve --id 24
Create an application metric
coscale-cli metric new --name "Transaction value" --dataType "DOUBLE" --subject "APPLICATION" --unit "$"
This returns the metric object (we will need the id for inserting data)
"id": 675,
"version": 1,
"state": "ENABLED",
"name": "Transaction value",
"description": "",
"unit": "$",
"period": 60,
"source": "cli",
"dataType": "DOUBLE",
"subject": "APPLICATION"
Push data for the application metric. In this example we will push data for the 'Transaction value' metric (id 675) at timestamp 1495108650 with value 1.23:
coscale-cli data insert --data="M675:A:1495108650:1.23"
Get the id of the server
coscale-cli server get --name 'myserver'
This returns the matching server objects
"id": 34,
"version": 3,
"state": "ENABLED",
"name": "myserver",
"description": "Created by agent for 'myserver'",
"type": "",
"source": "CoScale Agent",
"startTime": 1485958383,
"stopTime": null
Create a server metric
coscale-cli metric new --name "Core temperature" --dataType "DOUBLE" --subject "SERVER" --unit "C"
This returns the metric object
"id": 676,
"version": 1,
"state": "ENABLED",
"name": "Core temperature",
"description": "",
"unit": "C",
"period": 60,
"source": "cli",
"dataType": "DOUBLE",
"subject": "SERVER"
Push data for the server metric. In this example we will push data for the 'Core temperature' metric (id 676) for the 'myserver' server (id 34) at timestamp 1495108650 with value 50.4:
coscale-cli data insert --data="M676:S34:1495108650:50.4"