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Testing Tilezen and Mapzen's Tangram to create an interactive layer of the centrelines

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Interactive Web Map

The purpose of this web map is to be able to turn the static volume map into a more portable, digital version that would be easier to update and access.

Current View of the Webpage woops

Current Features

  • Bi-directional lines of each road segment with one-directional segments having only one line
  • Colour and width representation of volume on each road segment
  • Loading topographic data of segments from scene.yaml to JS
  • Using topographic data to query day volume profile from hug API of prj_volume.centreline_hourly_group12
  • Representation of day volume profile on Plotly charts
  • Ability to download volume data of a selected road segment
  • Ability to turn on/off basemap, expressways, and ramps on web map.

Possible Future Features

  • Transisition to Dash to easily control the flow of data in addition to using React.js to create the webmap in as a component. Similar to the King Street Pilot Public Dashboard. Possibly using react-leaflet to create the webmap.
  • Refinement of web map scene.yaml using more of the features provided with it.
  • Addition of another page which provides more details on a road segment.
  • Location search on web map. Leaflet has a few plugins that can enable it.



python You'll need to create your own python environment hug Mapzen's Vector Tile Service

Running the web map locally

Run the following bash commands assuming you have installed the neccessary requirements and files. (Note: these instructions are relative to my current file structure, yours may be different)

$ source hug_env/bin/activate                               # start hug environment
$ hug -f -p 8001                     # start volume API
Ctrl + Z to suspend process
$ bg                                                        # start process again in background
$ deactivate                                                # end hug environment
$ source env/bin/activate                                   # start python environment
$ python tileserver/ config.yaml                 # start Tileserver
Ctrl + Z to suspend process
$ bg
$ cd bdit_intereactive_streets_tiles                        # move to directory containing your `index.html`
$ python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000                           # start hosting web page

You can then access the web page on your browser by going to http://localhost:8000/

How the map works

Front End


Leaflet is used to create the map window in JS. It provides us with lots of useful features and is open-source which has a lot of documentation.

The Leaflet map hosts the layer generated by the Vector Tile Service. This is done by creating a Leaflet layer with Tangram then adding it to the Leaflet map as show here.


Plotly.js is used to create the charts that show the day profile of a line segment. It works by querying information from the Hug API using the information returned from the Leaflet layer when a user clicks a feature.


Vector Tile Service

The data for the streets centrelines is stored in PostgreSQL. In order to load it into a webmap we use Mapzen's Vector Tile Service to load the data from the server into a Web API which parses the data into a GeoJSON format. To read up on how to setup a Vector Tile Service, read the documentation for how we first set up it up and got it to run. Below are the various files that are to be modified for the web maps needs.


This file is used to login into the PostgreSQL server. Simply copy the file found here and enter your username and password for access to the server.


The streets.jinja2 is used to query and load data from the PostgreSQL server. The file can be found here. Below is the explanation of the file which behaves like a SQL query:

{% block query %}
  id AS __id__,                                                 # must be a unique identifier found in the table
  {% filter geometry %}geom{% endfilter %} AS __geometry__,     # tells which column contains the geometry
  NULL::bytea AS __label__,
  jsonb_build_object(                                           # topology found in the table
      'geo_id', centreline_id,                                  # only the columns that are needed a included in the query
      'min_zoom', min_zoom,
      'oneway_dir_code', oneway_dir_code,
      'dir_bin', dir_bin,
      'functional_type', feature_code_desc,
      'name', linear_name_full,
      'name_id', linear_name_id,
      'volume', volume,
      'year', year,
      'direction', direction
  ) AS __roads_properties__

  some_schema.streets_tiled_offset                              # table found in the database
  {{ bounds['line']|bbox_filter('geom', 3857) }}                # features are loaded if they are within the users view/minimum
  AND min_zoom <= {{ zoom }}                                    # bounding box and are within the minimum zoom.
{% endblock %}


The scene.yaml file is used to control and stylize what is displayed on the layer which it produces. The link we produce from creating a Vector Tile Service is then used in our Leaflet map via the scene.yaml file. To read more on scene.yaml click here.

To load the Web API in JS follow this example:

var map ='map');                   // create Leaflet map
var streetLayer = Tangram.leafletLayer({  // layer that contains the geometry from the Web API
    scene: 'scene.yaml',
    events: {                             // various functionality used to interact with the geometry
        click: onMapClick,
        hover: onMapHover,
    selectionRadius: 25
streetLayer.addTo(map);                   // add the layer to the map

The advantage of using a Vector Tile Service is that it breaks up the layer(s) into 'tiles' which are loaded onto the map. This way the user only downloads the tiles they see.


The Vector Tile Service is only able to house the information that it is provided and it must be tied to geometry. As a result, it alone is not enough for the web map's needs as it needs someway to access volume data. To overcome this, another Web API is used and is done so using hug. Follow hug's documentation on how to install and run a hug API.

For this map, copy into your file system in Unix then run the following bash commands:

$ source hug_env/bin/activate             # start the hug environment
$ hug -f -p 8001   # start the API that hosts the data

This data will then be hosted at localhost:8001 and can be accessed there. To access this API in JS follow this example which is used to load the data into the web pages graph's.

function loadVolData(geo_id) {
    var api_url = "http://localhost:8001/get_volume_year_link?year=2015&centreline_id=" + geo_id;
    var volumeData = (function () {
        var json = null;
            'async': false,
            'global': false,
            'url': api_url,
            'dataType': "json",
            'success': function (data) {
                json = data;
        return json;
    return volumeData;

This function works by getting a geo_id which is the unique id attached to each street_centreline and appends it to the api_url. We then use AJAX to fetch the data and return it to us.


For both the Web API's the data is sourced from the bdit_server.

For the Vector Tile Service it pulls from a table called streets_tiled_offset which can be created in your own schema using the SQL code at streets_tiled_offset.sql. This code is dependant on the existing tables prj_volume.centreline, gis.streets_zoomlevels, and prj_volume.centreline_aadt_group12. This code is used to duplicate the rows in centerline and offset them to produce bi-directional lines in addition to assigning a direction to each line. The centreline_aadt_group12 table is then used to load volume data into the centrelines which distinct to that line and direction. This volume data is used to scale the width of the lines where higher volume roads are thicker. Finally, streets_zoomlevels is used to assign a zoom level to each road classification. This zoom level is used by the Tileserver to determine what roads segments should be displayed at the zoom level a user is at on the web map.

Below is a table on the current zoom levels for each road classification

Classification Min zoom level
Expressway 8
Expressway Ramp 8
Major Arterial 9
Major Arterial Ramp 9
Minor Arterial 12
Minor Arterial Ramp 12
Collector 15
Collector ramp 15
Local 15
Pending 17

For the hug API it simply pulls from the prj_volume.centreline_hourly_group12 which contains hourly volume data.


Testing Tilezen and Mapzen's Tangram to create an interactive layer of the centrelines






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