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Abbie Farr edited this page Sep 28, 2021 · 8 revisions


  • Difference between buildtime environment variables and runtime environment variables in the Docker containers and the static props.
    • Example:
      • The production site had nothing in the database as shown by using to execute a few queries.
      • The deployed partners and public sites were able to login and display applications and listings management, how?
      • Answer: when the images were being built, the env variable BACKEND_API_BASE was undefined in GCP, so it used the default value of localhost:3100 to build all the links and get the static props. Then, when I clicked login, the production site talked to the dev instance of backend/core running on my local machine! Very unexpected.
  • Navbar: we've hardcoded the width of li.progress-nav__item to be 20% the width of the full navbar (, since the only instance of the navbar has five sections. If we add another section or create another page that uses the navbar, we'll need to change that styling.


  • Permission denied on one of the build folders (backend/core/dist/, node_modules/, sites/partners/.next/, sites/partners/node_modules/).
    • This seems to happen due to the containers running as the root user in the container and the directories are mounted from the containers to prevent copying/overwriting the container's internal directories with the external directory. The docker-compose does not seem to work without those lines and if we remove all the directory mounts then we wouldn't get edit/refresh.
    • One idea for fixing this is to CHOWN the /usr/src/app directory and then switch to a different user inside the container, but if we used a generic user like node:node for permissions, I don't think that would still give your local user permission to edit those directories.
    • The workaround is easy - just sudo rm those directories, or sudo yarn clean.
  • TCP:5432 is already taken up by a postgres instance when starting docker-compose.
    • Try stopping any services you have running locally before starting them in containers:
      sudo service redis-server stop
      sudo service postgresql stop
      # for mac:
      brew services stop redis-server
      brew services stop postgresql
  • Local site takes forever to become available
    • Depending on your machine, if you're starting a dev build locally, sometimes it can take a really long time (O(minutes)) for the /listings endpoint to become available. If you're having this problem, trying starting just the public or partner portal instead of both portals.
    • We think this is because of complex table joins, but more investigation is required.


  • backend/core fails to deploy with Please run yarn db:migration:run before starting the app.
    • Ensure that your postgres service or container is stopped. Then run the script from the bin/ directory.