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Spouse program

Spouse program website using Composer, Docker, Stonehenge and deployed to Wodby.


Env Branch URL
development *
testing development
production master


You need to have these applications installed to operate on all environments:

Create and start the environment

For the first time:

$ make fresh

Import / export database

Docker container has wp-cli installed.

To export or import database after the environment has been set up:

  1. Get latest version of the database and set it in the same folder with the wordpress installation. You can get a database dump from Wodby
  2. Go inside docker container: make shell.
  3. Inside the container, go to the root of wordpress installation
  4. Use the wp-cli to import or export database: wp db import db-dump.sql
  5. Use "wp search-replace" "" "" or whatever the local address is.

Login page:

Ready! Now go to to see your site.

Developing spouse theme

To compile sass go the theme folder and run:

gulp watch