The database setup is based on postgresql-pgadmin by awesome-compose.
It includes the following features:
- creation of permanent database with automatic initialization of pybossa user and database. Pybossa specific tables are not created.
- backup script for (daily) backups of pybossa database inside docker container, which can be added as cronjob
- pgAdmin web interface available at port 80 (e.g. http://localhost:80).
Project structure:
├── compose.yaml
├── config
│ ├── pgadmin
│ │ ├── .env
│ │ └── servers.json
│ ├── postgresql
│ │ ├── pg_hba.conf
│ │ └── postgresql.conf
│ ├── secrets
│ │ ├── pgadmin_pw.txt
│ │ ├── postgres_pw.txt
│ │ └── pybossa_pw.txt
├── initdb
│ └──
├── [pgdata] ...
├── [pgbackup] ...
Before deploying this setup, you need to create docker secrets for POSTGRES_PW, PYBOSSA_PW and PGADMIN_PW. This can either be done by
- creating the secrets manually via docker on the host and linking them as external secrets in compose.yaml (recommended for production)
- create and configure the following text files in the secrets folder and docker compose creates the secrets (default & sufficient dev / test)
- pgadmin_pw.txt: password for pgadmin user (username / email is defined in .env)
- postgres_pw.txt: password for default postgres user
- pybossa_pw.txt: relevant for initialization script – password for created user pybossa
This should be just the plain text password and look something like the following:
Please replace each placeholder by a unique password.
There are three volume mounts defined in compose.yaml
- initdb hold the initialization scripts that are only executed on first container run
- pgdata is the permanent store for the postgresql database on the host system and created on first container run. If the dir exists already and contains a functioning database then that database will be used and the initialization script will be skipped
- pgbackup is the directory for all backups created by This could considered to be a mount point for an external disk on the host system to keep backups on a seperate physical drive and avoid filling the instance storage, in case is configured to run as cronjob.
Analysed with PGTune and adapted in postgresql.conf for 4GB | 4CPU | HDD setup.
When deploying this setup, the pgAdmin web interface will be available at port 80 (e.g. http://localhost:80).
On first deployment the script will be executed and both the pgdata and pgbackup dirs are created as volume mount point for the postgresql database.
This ensures that the contents of the database are not lost on shutting down the container and that backups are accessible from the host system.
$ docker compose up -d
Starting postgres ... done
Starting pgadmin ... done
Please note: in case the database initialization process should be repeated the pgdata dir has to be deleted first. The script is only executed if there exists no database already in pgdata!
After logging in with your credentials of the pgadmin_pw.txt file, you can open your database in pgAdmin, since it has been preconfigured by the servers.json. You just need to enter the password from pybossa_pw.txt when prompted
Check containers are running:
$ docker ps
849c5f48f784 postgres:latest "docker-entrypoint.s…" 9 minutes ago Up 9 minutes>5432/tcp, :::5432->5432/tcp postgres
d3cde3b455ee dpage/pgadmin4:latest "/" 9 minutes ago Up 9 minutes 443/tcp,>80/tcp, :::5050->80/tcp pgadmin
Stop the containers with
$ docker compose down
# To delete all data run:
$ docker compose down -v