use this label to report bugs and or errors
improving the structure and organization of the code; restructuring, cleaning up
Minor changes like fixing typos, style, indentation
issue is resolved, but still needs change upstream
use this label when you have contributed features and want credits
definitions contains settings/information
issue is dropped, can't be solved or is impossible
related to Docs like wiki page README, changelog
This issue or pull request already exists and will be closed and merged
use this label to mark features and improvement
Folders added or changed the structure
automatic github action workflow
default files/config files
Good for newcomers, easy to fix
Stuck on issue, may require assistance
public/**/*.{ico,svg,jpg,jpeg,png,gif} for the mod description, banner or logos
use this label for merge requests
gimp, inkscape, krita, png textures, files
Further information is requested
Needs to be reviewed first
reusable templates mostly in .tpl files