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A lightning-fast, highly versatile, and powerful screen searching library for AutoHotkey

What is it?

graphicsearch.ahk is a robust alternative to AutoHotkey's native ImageSearch command, addressing its limitations with innovative features tailored for modern developers. Unlike ImageSearch, which requires saved image files, exact matches, and can be slow and challenging to debug, graphicsearch.ahk simplifies the process by abstracting the screen into a lightweight representation, akin to ASCII art, using characters 0 and _.

This approach offers several key advantages:

  • Array of Results: graphicsearch.ahk returns an array of objects, each representing a match with detailed properties. This structured format makes it easier to process and integrate results into modern workflows.
  • Speed and Efficiency: It performs faster matches without the need to recapture the screen image for each search, streamlining searches involving multiple graphics.
  • Flexibility: Its adjustable fault tolerance and abstraction layer allow fine-tuning for varying conditions.
  • Comprehensive Results: Unlike ImageSearch, which returns only the first match, graphicsearch.ahk identifies and returns all matches, enabling advanced and complex search scenarios.

With these enhancements, graphicsearch.ahk not only surpasses ImageSearch in speed and functionality but also provides a developer-friendly experience, making graphical searches more intuitive and powerful.


In a terminal or command line:

npm install graphicsearch.ahk

In your code only export.ahk needs to be included:

#Include %A_ScriptDir%\node_modules
#Include graphicsearch.ahk\export.ahk

oGraphicSearch := new graphicsearch()
result :="|<HumanReadableTag>*165$22.03z")
; => [{1: 1215, 2: 407, 3: 22, 4: 10, id: "HumanReadableTag", x: 1226, y: 412}]

You may also review or copy the library from ./export.ahk on GitHub #Incude as you would normally when manually downloading.

Main Methods

Search Methods


.search(graphicsearch_query [, options])

finds GraphicSearch queries on the screen

Argument Type Description
graphicsearch_query string The GraphicSearch query(s) to search. Must be concatenated with | if searching multiple graphics.
options object The options object.
options.x1, options.y1 number The search scope's upper left corner coordinates. Default: 0, 0.
options.x2, options.y2 number The search scope's lower right corner coordinates. Default: A_ScreenWidth, A_ScreenHeight.
options.err1, options.err0 number A number between 0 and 1 (0.1 = 10%) for fault tolerance of foreground (err1) and background (err0). Default: 0, 0.
options.screenshot number Whether or not to capture a new screenshot. If 0, the last captured screenshot will be used. Default: 1.
options.findall number Whether or not to find all instances or just one. Default: 1.
options.joinqueries number Join all GraphicSearch queries for combination lookup. Default: 1.
options.offsetx, options.offsety number The maximum offset for combination lookup. Default: 0, 0.
Type Description
array Returns an array of objects containing all lookup results, or false if no matches are found.
optionsObj :=	{ x1: 0
				, y1: 0
				, x2: A_ScreenWidth
				, y2: A_ScreenHeight
				, err1: 0
				, err0: 0
				, screenshot: 1
				, findall: 1
				, joinqueries: 1
				, offsetx: 1
				, offsety: 1 }"|<tag>*165$22.03z", optionsObj)"|<tag>*165$22.03z", {x2: 100, y2: 100})



performs the last .search with the last arguments supplied

Example"|<tag>*165$22.03z", {x2: 1028, y2: 720})



.scan(graphicsearch_query [, y1, x2, y2, err1, err0, screenshot, findall, joinqueries, offsetx, offsety])

finds GraphicSearch queries on the screen

Argument Type Description
graphicsearch_query string GraphicsSearch queries as strings. Can be multiple queries separated by |.
x1, y1 number The search scope's upper left corner coordinates. Default: 0, 0.
x2, y2 number The search scope's lower right corner coordinates. Default: A_ScreenWidth, A_ScreenHeight.
err1, err0 number A number between 0 and 1 (0.1 = 10%) for fault tolerance of foreground (err1) and background (err0). Default: 0, 0.
screenshot boolean If the value is 1, a new capture of the screen will be used; otherwise, the last capture will be used. Default: 1.
findall boolean If the value is 1, GraphicSearch will find all matches. For 0, only one match is returned. Default: 1.
joinqueries boolean If the value is 1, join all GraphicsSearch queries for combination lookup. Default: 1.
offsetx, offsety number The maximum offset for combination lookup. Default: 0, 0.


Type Description
array Returns an array of objects containing all lookup results, or false if no matches are found. Each result is an associative array: {1:X, 2:Y, 3:W, 4:H, x:X+W//2, y:Y+H//2, id:tag}. Coordinates are relative to the screen, colors are in RGB format, and combination lookup requires uniform color mode.


oGraphicSearch.scan("|<tag>*165$22.03z", 1, 1, 1028, 720, .1, .1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0)
; => [{1: 1215, 2: 400, 3:22, 4: 10, id: "tag", x:1226, y:412}]


.scanAgain([graphicsearch_query, y1, x2, y2, err1, err0, screenshot, findall, joinqueries, offsetx, offsety])

performs the last .search with the last arguments supplied


oGraphicSearch.scan("|<tag>*165$22.03z", {x2: 1028, y2: 720})



.find(x1, y1, x2, y2, err1, err0, graphicsearch_query [, screenshot, findall, joinqueries, offsetx, offsety])

Identicle to .scan but uses legacy argument order as a convience for old scripts


Argument Type Description
x1, y1 number The search scope's upper left corner coordinates.
x2, y2 number The search scope's lower right corner coordinates.
err1, err0 number A number between 0 and 1 (0.1 = 10%) for fault tolerance of foreground (err1) and background (err0).
graphicsearch_query string GraphicsSearch queries as strings. Can be multiple queries separated by |.
screenshot boolean If the value is 1, a new capture of the screen will be used; otherwise, the last capture will be used. Default: 1.
findall boolean If the value is 1, GraphicSearch will find all matches. For 0, only one match is returned. Default: 1.
joinqueries boolean If the value is 1, join all GraphicsSearch queries for combination lookup. Default: 1.
offsetx, offsety number Set the maximum offset for combination lookup. Default: 20, 10.
direction number Set the direction search is conducted in. Values:
1 (Left to Right / Top to Bottom)
2 (Right to Left / Top to Bottom)
3 (Left to Right / Bottom to Top)
4 (Right to Left / Bottom to Top)
5 (Top to Bottom / Left to Right)
6 (Bottom to Top / Left to Right)
7 (Top to Bottom / Right to Left)
8 (Bottom to Top / Right to Left)
9 (Center to Four Sides).
zoomW, zoomH number Zoom percentage of image width and height (0.1 = 10%). Default: 1, 1.


Type Description
array Returns an array of objects containing all lookup results, or false if no matches are found. Each result is an associative array: {1:X, 2:Y, 3:W, 4:H, x:X+W//2, y:Y+H//2, id:tag}. All coordinates are relative to the screen, colors are in RGB format, and combination lookup must use uniform color mode.


oGraphicSearch.find(x1, y1, x2, y2, err1, err0, "|<tag>*165$22.03z", 1, 1, 0, 20, 10)
; => [{1: 1215, 2: 400, 3: 22, 4: 10, id: "tag", x: 1226, y: 412}]

Sorting Methods


.resultSort(resultsObject[, ydistance])

Sort the results object from left to right and top to bottom, ignoring slight height difference


Argument Type Description
resultsobject object The GraphicSearch results object to sort.
ydistance number The amount of height difference to ignore, in pixels. Default: 10.


Type Description
array Returns an array of objects containing all lookup results.


resultsObj := 	[ {1: 2000, 2: 2000, 3: 22, 4: 10, id: "HumanReadableTag", x: 2000, y: 2000}
				, {1: 1215, 2: 400, 3: 22, 4: 10, id: "HumanReadableTag", x: 1226, y: 412}]

; => [{1: 1215, 2: 400, 3: 22, 4: 10, id: "HumanReadableTag", x: 1226, y: 412}, {1: 2000, 2: 2000, 3: 22, 4: 10, id: "HumanReadableTag", x: 2000, y: 2000}]


.resultSortDistance(resultsObject [, x, y])

Sort the results objects by distance to a given x,y coordinate. A property "distance" is added to all elements in the returned result object


Argument Type Description
resultsObject object The GraphicSearch results object.
x number The x screen coordinate to measure from. Default: A_ScreenWidth / 2.
y number The y screen coordinate to measure from. Default: A_ScreenHeight / 2.


Type Description
array Returns an array of objects containing all lookup results.


resultsObj :=	[ {1: 2000, 2: 2000, 3: 22, 4: 10, id: "HumanReadableTag", x: 2000, y: 2000}
				, {1: 1215, 2: 400, 3: 22, 4: 10, id: "HumanReadableTag", x: 1226, y: 412}]

oGraphicSearch.resultSortDistance(resultsObj, 2000, 2000)
[ {1: 2000, 2: 2000, 3: 22, 4: 10, distance: "12.08", id: "HumanReadableTag", x: 2000, y: 2000}
, {1: 1215, 2: 400, 3: 22, 4: 10, distance: "1766.58", id: "HumanReadableTag", x: 1226, y: 412}]

Display Methods


.showMatches(resultsObject [, optionsObject])

Visually display the locations of search results on the screen. It takes in a resultsObject, and optionally an optionsObject to customize how the results are displayed.


Argument Type Description
resultsObject object The GraphicSearch results object.
options object The options object. Default: {showBox:true, showLabel:true, timeout:4000, color:"0b87da"}.
options.showBox number Whether or not to display boxes. Default: 1
options.showLabel number Whether or not to display labels. Default: 1
options.timeout number The ammount of time in milliseconds to hide the search results on screen. Default: 4000
options.color number The color use on screen. Default: "0b87da"


Type Description
none No value is returned.


resultsObj :=	[ {1: 2000, 2: 2000, 3: 22, 4: 10, id: "HumanReadableTag", x: 2000, y: 2000}
				, {1: 1215, 2: 400, 3: 22, 4: 10, id: "HumanReadableTag", x: 1226, y: 412}]

oGraphicSearch.showMatches(resultsObj, {showlabels: false, timeout: 60000})



.resultMerge(resultObj, offsetX := 20, offsetY := 20, overlapW := 0)

Merge overlapping or adjacent search results into a single resultsObject. It takes in a resultsObject and optional parameters to adjust proximity and overlap thresholds. This can be used like a Optical Character Recognition (OCR) system, or just to combine nearby results into one object.


Parameter Type Default Value Description
resultObj Object N/A The GraphicSearch results object containing the search results to process.
offsetX number 20 The horizontal offset in pixels between adjacent mergable results.
offsetY number 20 The vertical offset in pixels between adjacent mergable results.
overlapW number 0 The overlap width in pixels. Sets the allowed horizontal overlap between labels.


Type Description
Object Returns an object containing the combined labels text and bounding box dimensions of the text. The object includes:
text: The concatenated id string.
x: The x-coordinate of the bounding box's upper-left corner.
y: The y-coordinate of the bounding box's upper-left corner.
w: The width of the bounding box.
h: The height of the bounding box.


resultObj := [{1:300, 2:200, 3:50, 4:30, id:"Hello"}
	, {1:360, 2:200, 3:60, 4:30, id:"World"}
	, {1:900, 2:250, 3:80, 4:40, id:"FOO!"}]

; merge with custom offsets
resultObj := [{1:300, 2:200, 3:50, 4:30, id:"Hello"}
		, {1:360, 2:200, 3:60, 4:30, id:"World"}
		, {1:900, 2:250, 3:80, 4:40, id:"FOO!"}]

resultObj := oGraphicSearch.resultMerge(resultObj, 30, 20, 10)
; => {"x":300, "y":200, "h":30, "w":110, "text":"HelloWorld"}


A fast, super powerful, and flexible screen searching library for AutoHotkey








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