This Proof of Concept application that attempts finding a "optimal" fiber network planning for a map area.
The application uses OpenStreetMaps data and parameter provided by the operator to optimize the Fiber-to-the-Home underground cables routes for cost savings. The model is designed consider factors such as:
- Which side of the road would cost less to dig-up
- The extra cost of digging across the road
- Obstacles such as bridges, rivers, monuments
- Cost of fiber per KM
- Cost of trench per KM
- Cost of trench to cross the road
- Cost of equipment
- Limits of PON/GPON networks
- Cost of hardware (Street cabinets and new powered decentralize locations)
The model should output a detailed planning along with itemized material and labour estimates.
conda config --prepend channels conda-forge
conda create -n ftth_planner --strict-channel-priority osmnx
streamlit run
If you have a idea on how to fix any bug, please send me a pull request.
OpenStreetmap data often doesn't contain building address data, so it il not work in areas that have less than 96 addresses registered
If building don't have address information we would of course look for the closest trench, but this would be computationally expensive to do for all buildings and all trenches
Buildings with address information sometimes do not find the closest trench, not sure why