A Python script to extract app console logs from an .xcresult
, rather than just the
test runner's logs you usually see (but it can extract those too).
Inspired by both a long term struggle with the logs missing from CI test runs and henrique's solution on StackOverflow.
To extract the app's console logs from an .xcresult
pass it the path to it and specify
your app's bundle ID. It'll output the logs to a file in the same directory called output.txt
python3 xcresult_extractor.py --file YourTestApp.xcresult --bundleID com.yourapp.bundleid
To extract the test runner logs simply omit the bundleID
python3 xcresult_extractor.py --file YourTestApp.xcresult
There's an example .xcresult
in this repo (generated from the test app in the repo) that you can try the script with, or if you want to get your own from Xcode:
- Run your UI tests
- Select the Product -> Show build folder in finder menu option
- Navigate to Logs/Tests/ and you should see your
file(s) there
A Swift version is in development to replace the Python script, once ready.
You can try it out in the Swift
folder by running:
swift run XCResultExtractor <path to .xcresult>