A Collections of books, actually just a simple practice program for different basics
Im still working on this program currently
This program allows you to make a collections of books and it can be modified after that,
Handling of missing files:
- missing txt files, you can remake a collection in the exe
- missing index files, you need to make a new inx file but input the last index number of your collection
When you put a num to index manually, your index start from the number you entered
when input price with a number but a character after it, it cannot finds out
When your input is over 100 characters, program might error
- Run in window not terminal (Full program restructed)
- Records processing (search, delete, change etc)
- Delete functions will split, for easier way for deleting bunch of files
- Turnning all strings to dynamic to fix bug C
3/3/2022 : Pausing the system for the program to show messages (Which is apparentely a bad practice to do ;) )
4/3/2022 :
Solve major bug, option 3 can now delete inx file
program won't close without message when create new collections
5/3/2022 :
Solve major bugs, Numeric validation is done
Remove choosing other option(File dupicated) cause program end
Solve major bugs, A folder will be created in the same directory for more info check for the release : https://bit.ly/3vLCahS
Minor bugs: Choice validate completed, for more info see upper