A macOS utility that watches for changes to the system's network environment and executes user defined commands based on the changes. It can also detect and react to wake-from-sleep events and changes between battery and AC power.
Tested on macOS Mojave and Catalina. May work on earlier versions.
Please see the User Guide.
You may not use the identified files except in compliance with the Universal Permissive License, Version 1.0 (the "License.")
You may obtain a copy of the License at https://oss.oracle.com/licenses/upl. A copy of the license is also reproduced in LICENSE.md and LICENSE.txt.
You may contact the author at [email protected]
The package consists of the following scripts:
Script | Description |
new | The NetWork Event Watcher main script. |
getmyip | Determines the system's IP address, in various flavours. |
getwifinetworks | Determines the names (SSIDs) of any connected WiFi networks. |
getnwinterfaces | Determines the names of the system's network interfaces, in various flavours. |
getNwEnv | An example getNwEnv script. |
Network Event Watcher requires the following third-party components:
The 'terminal-notifier' utility which is used to send notifications (https://github.com/julienXX/terminal-notifier). An easy way to install this is using Homebrew (https://brew.sh):
brew install terminal-notifier
If 'terminal-notifier' is not installed then the notification feature will not work.
The 'sleepwatcher' utility which is used to detect system wake and power events (https://www.bernhard-baehr.de). An easy way to install this is using Homebrew (https://brew.sh):
brew install sleepwatcher
You do NOT need to configure 'sleepwatcher' to run automatically.
If 'sleepwatcher' is not installed then:
A less accurate, higher overhead mechanism will be used to detect system sleep/wake events and this may result in occasional missed events or false positives.
Detection of power source changes is not enabled so the '@battery' environment will not trigger any events.