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Welcome to the Mehrab's 2206 DevOps team!

Project Scope

Using Terraform, build an auto-scaling Kubernetes cluster with an ingress load balancer.
Simple Terraform template to start AWS EKS cluster with ingress-nginx controller
Optional Monitoring & S3 Bucket Configuration Included

Your Goal

We are planning for the big release of our E Commerce Application by end of the day

The Client's DevOps team were working day and night to get this application onto a CICD pipeline but, unfortunately they couldnt complete it, which is where you come in!

Listed below are your next steps!

Onboard our flagship application onto the CICD pipeline

Status: In-progress

Application Code:


The DevOps team picked up this work as part of the CICD onboarding but, unfortunately they couldn't complete it.

Below is the block diagram of how the pipeline should look like. The blocks in RED needs your attention.

Porject Overview

Below is the list of tasks where your help is required:

# git clone
git clone
  1. You must have aws installed:
aws sts get-caller-identity  # make sure your NOT 2206-devops-user

# if your 2206-devops-user, reset credentials
aws configure
# To get new aws credentials, login / click on your name / security credentials / access keys / create new access key.
  1. Install Terraform
# you should make ssh files
mkdir .ssh && ssh-keygen -t rsa -f ./.ssh/id_rsa

# I had problems with their keyring. Install from binary:
sudo apt-get install -y tar unzip
curl -o /tmp/ -LO
unzip /tmp/
chmod +x terraform && mv terraform $HOME/.local/bin/

# if $HOME/.local/bin does not exist
# mkdir -p $HOME/.local/bin
# add terraform to $PATH
# export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.local/bin

# check if terraform in $PATH

## For Extra proficeny add these aliases

# Download & initialize modules from terraform configuration
alias TI="terraform init -no-color |& tee Output.log && echo "---" >> Output.log"

# Validate terraform configuration
alias TV="terraform validate -no-color |& tee -a Output.log && echo "---" >> Output.log"

# Create terraform plan - Dry run to find errors
alias TP="terraform plan -out state.tfplan -var-file=secrets.tfvars -no-color |& tee -a Output.log && echo "---" >> Output.log"
# Apply terraform plan -- will make the cluster & modules
alias TAP="terraform apply state.tfplan -no-color |& tee -a Output.log && echo "---" >> Output.log"

# Apply terraform Configuration without plan -- will make the cluster & modules
alias TAA="terraform apply -var-file=secrets.tfvars -no-color -auto-approve |& tee -a Output.log && echo "---" >> Output.log"

# Destroy all terraform infrastructure
alias TD="terraform destroy -var-file=secrets.tfvars -no-color -auto-approve |& tee -a Output.log"

# Remove all terraform infrastructure
alias TR="rm Output.log && rm -rf .terraform && rm .terraform.lock.hcl && rm terraform.tfstate"

# Deploy Nginx-Ingress Load-Balancer
alias Nginx-Ingress="kubectl create ns nginx && helm repo add ingress-nginx && helm repo update && helm upgrade --install ingress-nginx-chart ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx --version 4.2.0 -n nginx && kubectl --namespace nginx get services -o wide -w ingress-nginx-chart-controller"

# Deploy Jenkins Server
alias Jenkins-Helm="kubectl create ns jenkins && helm repo add jenkins && helm repo update && helm upgrade --install jenkins jenkins/jenkins --version 4.1.14 -n jenkins -f jenkins/jenkins.yaml && kubectl exec --namespace jenkins -it svc/jenkins -c jenkins -- /bin/cat /run/secrets/additional/chart-admin-password && echo"

Terraform Overview

AWS IAM Overview

EC2 SSH Overview

  1. Add your info in the terraform secrefts.tfvars file.
cp sample-secrets.tfvars secrets.tfvars

# Then Adjust The Values As Your Desire.
  1. Run terraform
# Download & initialize modules from terraform configuration
terraform init
# Validate terraform configuration
terraform validate
# Create terraform plan - Dry run to find errors
terraform plan -out state.tfplan
# Apply terraform plan -- will make the infrastructure (cluster, modules, & Pods) on aws.
terraform apply state.tfplan
  1. Get kubeconfig file from aws
aws eks update-kubeconfig --name CLUSTER_NAME

# check if you have access to cluster
aws eks list-clusters
  1. Install Nginx & Jenkins
# install nginx in it's own namespace
kubectl create ns nginx
helm repo add ingress-nginx-chart ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx
helm repo update
helm upgrade --install ingress-nginx-chart ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx --version 4.2.0 -n nginx
# aws ingress setup takes a few minutes.
kubectl --namespace nginx get services -o wide -w ingress-nginx-chart-controller
# going to the aws address should return 404 not found. You know endpoint is working and ingress controller is responding.
# paste address into browser or curl -i

# install jenkins in it's own namespace
# add your awsAddress to the jenkins/jenkins.yaml
#   jenkinsUrl:
kubectl create ns jenkins
helm repo add jenkins jenkins/jenkins
helm repo update
helm upgrade --install jenkins jenkins/jenkins --version 4.1.13 -n jenkins -f jenkins/jenkins.yaml
# get password.  user is 'admin'  Route: awsAddress/jenkins
kubectl exec --namespace jenkins -it svc/jenkins -c jenkins -- /bin/cat /run/secrets/additional/chart-admin-password && echo
# login and update plugins. restart

Nginx ingress controller example

Pipeline Overview

Sonar Cloud

Pipeline Frontend Overview

Pipeline Backend Overview

  1. Install Monitoring Tools (optional)
# Add thes usernames & passwords To:
  # Lines 91-92 in `configMap_grafana-agent`
  #       35-56 in `configMap_grafana-agent-logs`
  #       51-52 in `configMap_grafana-agent-jenkins`
  # username: 2***********6
  # password: eyJ*****4NX0=

  # Lines 20-21           in `configMap_grafana-agent`
  #       20-21 & 26-7    in `configMap_grafana-agent-logs`
  #       19-20 & 42-3    in `configMap_grafana-agent-jenkins`
  # username: 5***********2
  # password: eyJ*****4NX0=

# For proper permissions to run a script use
# `chmod +x` (as/if needed)

Monitoring Overview

  1. Install Apps (optional)
# install apps
kubectl create ns app
# Routes: awsAddress/apple, awsAddress/banana
kubectl apply -f apps/apple-banana.yaml -n app
# Route: awsAddress/flask
kubectl apply -f apps/flask.yaml -n app
# Routes: awsAddress/tea, awsAddress/coffee
kubectl apply -f apps/tea-coffee.yaml -n app
# check ingress
kubectl describe ingress -n app

# Name:             ab-ingress
# Labels:           <none>
# Namespace:        app
# Address:
# Ingress Class:    nginx
# Default backend:  <default>
# Rules:
#   Host        Path  Backends
#   ----        ----  --------
#   *
#               /apple    apple-service:5678 (
#               /banana   banana-service:5678 (
# Annotations:  ingressClassName: nginx
# Events:
#   Type    Reason  Age                    From                      Message
#   ----    ------  ----                   ----                      -------
#   Normal  Sync    4m36s (x2 over 4m57s)  nginx-ingress-controller  Scheduled for sync

# Name:             cafe-ingress
# Labels:           <none>
# Namespace:        app
# Address:
# Ingress Class:    nginx
# Default backend:  <default>
# Rules:
#   Host        Path  Backends
#   ----        ----  --------
#   *
#               /coffee   coffee-svc:80 (,
#               /tea      tea-svc:80 (,,
# Annotations:  ingressClassName: nginx
#      /
# Events:
#   Type    Reason  Age                    From                      Message
#   ----    ------  ----                   ----                      -------
#   Normal  Sync    2m37s (x2 over 3m36s)  nginx-ingress-controller  Scheduled for sync

# Name:             flask-ingress
# Labels:           <none>
# Namespace:        app
# Address:
# Ingress Class:    nginx
# Default backend:  <default>
# Rules:
#   Host        Path  Backends
#   ----        ----  --------
#   *
#               /flask   flask-service:80 (
# Annotations:  ingressClassName: nginx
# Events:
#   Type    Reason  Age                    From                      Message
#   ----    ------  ----                   ----                      -------
#   Normal  Sync    3m37s (x2 over 3m46s)  nginx-ingress-controller  Scheduled for sync

Pod Orchestration

  1. Destroy Cluster
# Remove helm items:
helm uninstall ingress-nginx-chart -n nginx
helm uninstall jenkins -n jenkins

# Remove namespaces and all content
kubectl delete ns nginx
kubectl delete ns jenkins
kubectl delete ns app

# Destroy all terraform infrastructure
terraform destroy --auto-approve
  1. Double check all items destroyed. # The dashboard's should be zero. Use the search bar at top of screen.
  • ec2
  • eks # cluster should empty
  • vpc # DHCP option sets will show 1. It's the dns service offered by aws and does not cost any money.



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