This is a simple Trivia Discord Bot. It uses the Open Trivia Database to get the questions, and the Discord.Net NuGet package to integrate with Discord.
This is to be used as an introduction to developing .Net core Discord Apps.
You'll need .Net Core SDK 3.1 or newer, which can be found on their website.
To build run the following command in the root folder.
dotnet build
To run the code, you will need to setup a Discord application and bot by following this documentation. Once that is done you will need to take the Token created for your bot and paste it into the "DiscordToken" appsetting found in TriviaDiscordBot/appsettings.json
Now you can run the application by running the following command in the root of the repo.
dotnet run --project TriviaDiscordBot
First you will need to add your bot to your server using the documentation found here. Once that is done all you should need to do is run the project and type !question
into a text channel in the server you added the bot to.
- Ability to set difficulty
- Ability to specify specific Category
- Command to explain all the question command and what categories are available