graphlite is a synchronous graph computing system. I implemented the SSSP algorithm in the framework of graphlite.SSSP means Single Source Shortest Path. Given a vertex V0, find the shortest path from V0 to every other vertex. The main idea of the algorithm is : Each vertex Vertex Value records the shortest known shortest path length. Initialization: V0: 0; other vertices: Infinity iteration: Message sent: the shortest path length of the current vertex + the length of the exit side. Update the current shortest path length after receiving the message.
- JDK 1.7.x
- Hadoop 2.6.x
- protocol buffers $ apt-get install protobuf-c-compiler libprotobuf-c0 libprotobuf-c0-dev
- GraphLite 0.2.0
bin/ scripts and graphlite executable
engine/ graphlite engine source code
example/ PageRank example
include/ header that represents programming API
Input/ a number of small example graphs Output/ empty, will contain the output of a run
Makefile this can make both engine and example
LICENSE.txt Apache License, Version 2.0
README.txt this file
source bin/setenv
(1) edit bin/setenv, set the following paths: JAVA_HOME, HADOOP_HOME, GRAPHLITE_HOME
(2) $ . bin/setenv
build graphlite
$ cd engine $ make
check if bin/graphlite is successfully generated.
build example
$ cd example $ make
check if example/ is successfully generated.
run example
$ start-graphlite example/ Input/facebookcombined_4w Output/out declares 5 processes, including 1 master and 4 workers. So the input graph file is prepared as four files: Input/facebookcombined_4w_[1-4]
The output of PageRank will be in: Output/out_[1-4]
Workers generate log files in WorkOut/worker*.out
Please refer to
change VERTEX_CLASS_NAME(name) definition to use a different class name
VERTEX_CLASS_NAME(InputFormatter) can be kept as is
VERTEX_CLASS_NAME(OutputFormatter): this is where the output is generated
VERTEX_CLASS_NAME(Aggregator): you can implement other types of aggregation
VERTEX_CLASS_NAME(): the main vertex program with compute()
VERTEX_CLASS_NAME(Graph): set the running configuration here
Modify Makefile: EXAMPLE_ALGOS=PageRankVertex
if your program is, then EXAMPLE_ALGOS=your_program
make will produce
bin/ can be used to divide a graph input file into multiple partitions.
$ Input/facebookcombined 4
will generate: Input/facebookcombined_4w_[1-4]