Data processing Programming course for DSLS Times series study cases will be provided soon
see also gitbook link
folder: In this folder you find all the assignmentsscripts
folder: Demo scripts such as unit testing scripts and creating sql databasestudy cases
folder: Examples of study cases for analysis of both continous and categorical datatutorials
folder: Tutorials for specific topics
Login the linux grid. Open the terminal. Choose a path and a name for your virtual environment, for instance .venv/dsls
#create a new environment
python3 -m venv {path/to/new/virtual/environment} {name}
#activate the virtualenv
source {path/to/new/virtual/environment}{name}/bin/activate
#create jupyter notebook kernel for venv
pip install ipykernel
python -m ipykernel install --user --name={name}
pip install jupyter
#install required packages
pip install numpy
pip install pandas
pip install seaborn
pip install bokeh
make sure that you use the created kernel in your jupyter notebook or visual studio code
contact information: [email protected]