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ChainCash Server

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ChainCash is a p2p monetary system with elastic money creation backed by trust and blockchain assets.

For in-depth explanation please refer to the whitepaper here.

This repository contains offchain/server software for agents participating in ChainCash. Running ChainCash server allows you to run your own bank in ChainCash free-banking network, which works on top of Ergo blockchain. With your own server you can set your own acceptance predicate (filter for notes you accept), create your own reserve on the blockchain and issue notes against it.


We aren't yet shipping prebuilt ChainCash binaries so currently you must build from source yourself using cargo.

Firstly ensure that you have the contracts submodule initialized:

git submodule update --init

The easiest way to build and run currently is like so:

cargo run -- run

This will start the ChainCash server and initialize the database, etc.


ChainCash is configured using TOML config files stored in $CWD/config.

The default settings can be viewed in ./config/default.toml.

Default config values can be overriden by creating your own config file at [./config/local.toml] and supplying custom values.


Predicate Configuration

Predicates are configured using TOML based config files. The structure of these config files are as follows:

type = "{predicateType}" # the type of predicate
{...args} # `args` is unique to the predicate type and are listed below

To enable a predicate config we specify it in our main ChainCash configuration file under the acceptance section:

predicates = ["path/to/my/predicate1.toml", "path/to/my/predicate2.toml"]

If any of the predicates listed in the predicates field evaluate to true for a given note then the note will be considered acceptable.

Example of a predicate config file can be seen here.

Viewing Configured Predicates

With the ChainCash server running locally we can perform an API request to get our predicate configuration.

curl http://localhost:8080/api/v1/acceptance

Predicate Types

Currently the following predicates are supported:


A whitelist predicate evaluates to true if any of the suppplied agents match depending on the kind field.

whitelist has subtypes defined in the kind field, the following are supported:

  • owner whitelist is based on the current note holder
  • issuer whitelist is based on the note issuer
  • historical whitelist checks each holder of the note

If the owner is known to us and trusted we can accept the note without any other consideration.

For example, this could be configured like so:

type = "whitelist"
kind = "owner"
agents = ["030c8f9c4dc08f3c006fa85a47c9156dedbede000a8b764c6e374fd097e873ba04", "0216133993bbc54c0d48a21634a7d2632b8c92d744d565839dc39c912ef406e0d9"]

agents here are public keys provided as encoded elliptic curve points. To obtain public key in such form from an Ergo address, you can use utils/addressToRaw API method of an Ergo node, for example:

curl -X 'GET' \
  '' \
  -H 'accept: application/json'

or use Swagger interface:


A blacklist predicate evaluates to true if none of the suppplied agents match depending on the kind field.

blacklist has subtypes defined in the kind field, the following are supported:

  • owner blacklist is based on the current note holder
  • issuer blacklist is based on the note issuer
  • historical blacklist checks each holder of the note

If we want to blacklist all notes issued by PK1 this could be done like so:

type = "blacklist"
kind = "issuer"
agents = ["0216133993bbc54c0d48a21634a7d2632b8c92d744d565839dc39c912ef406e0d9", "030c8f9c4dc08f3c006fa85a47c9156dedbede000a8b764c6e374fd097e873ba04"]


A collateral predicate evaluates to true if the note is backed by at least the percent supplied.

For example, we could require the note be over-collaterized if we really don't trust the owner, or under collaterized if we have some trust in the holder.

Configuration of a note that requires at least 100% collateral.

type = "collateral"
percent = 100


An or predicate evaluates to true if any of the conditions supplied evalute to true.

For example, if we want to express that a note is accepted if the note is over collaterized or the owner is trusted by us we could do the following:

# any of the conditions below match
type = "or"
conditions = [
    # the owner of the note is either PK1 or PK2
    {type = "whitelist", kind = "owner", agents = ["030c8f9c4dc08f3c006fa85a47c9156dedbede000a8b764c6e374fd097e873ba04"]},
    # the note has at least 100% collateral
    {type = "collateral", percent = 100}


Following API methods are supported now (default URLs are provided, if you changed IP address or port, update URLs accordingly):

  • Mint reserve ( )

send JSON via POST method like

   "public_key_hex": "$pubkeyHex",
   "amount": 1000000

where $pubkeyHex is your public key provided as encoded elliptic curve point (see how to get it above) , and amount is in nanoErgs (0.001 ERG in this example)

result would be like


so transaction id and reserve NFT id which will be used further to identify the reserve

  • Get known reserves ( - GET method )

  • Mint note ( )

send JSON via POST method like

  "owner_public_key_hex": "$pubkeyHex",
  "gold_amount_mg": 1000

where $pubkeyHex is your public key, and gold_amount_mg is note value in milligrams of gold (1 gram in our example)

  • List notes you posses ( - GET method)

  • Spend a note ( )

send JSON via POST method like

   "note_id": 1,
   "reserve_id": "0f44aa54140dbd5368b44358630d5ca4e38e6405f76bd987e18d7eae667915db",
   "recipient_pubkey": "02b8466784b34d5393a46b789f27b66f7fd34e1a06faf0d7941e204d71ead6ccdd",
   "amount": 50

where note_id (the only new parameter in this request) is note id taken from results of previous API method (/notes/wallet)

  • List notes possessed by a public key ( - GET method )

  • Redeem a note ( )

send JSON via POST method like

{ "note_id": 1, "reserve_id": "0f44aa54140dbd5368b44358630d5ca4e38e6405f76bd987e18d7eae667915db" }

  • Get note acceptance rules ( )


ChainCash Server: Free Banking for Everyone!








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