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STAT545-hw01-An Introduction to github

Hey everyone, my name is Chad Fibke and I've just started a MSc in Population & Public Health working under Dr.Amee Manges! We are working on Poop enemas and how they can prevent infections! All of these fancy words were added using R-studio.

When I'm not wrking with poop enemas I like to:

  • Bike
  • Run
  • Paintball
  • Swing-dance

GitHub Workflow & RMarkdown Experience

GitHub Workflow

  • The will introduce who I am
  • The file hw01_gapminder_files/figure-markdown_github-ascii_identifiers/ will show you the plots I made!
  • The file named, not hw01_gapminder.Rmd, will include a quick exploration of the gapminder data. It will show you the steps I take when loading a new data set!

RMarkdown Experience

  • I had problems with adding color to each code chunk. I think adding color would help with the flow.
  • I used the This site to get some more information on the idea behind Rmarkdown
  • I tried using This site, but it was intimidating!

STAT545-hw02-Data wrangling with dplyr

Here I show a way to explore a new dataset (gapminder), and use dplyr functions to wrangle the dataset: select() filter() group_by() summarize() arrange()

  • is where I take you on a coding adventure through the assignment.
  • And Over here is where you can find my graphs!

I had problems trying to pick a problem to look at in depth! Once I found an issue to look at a lot of the filtering was an issue. There was a lot of objects building up in my work environment, so at times I found myself calling on the wrong object (I thought R knew what I was thinking!). I also wanted to make some adjustments to the graph outside of the points so I had to do some googling!

I used a lot of resources for ggplots! There is:

  • One that will allow you to customize your background.
  • Two is a good place for labels, scales, and any other need you may have!

STAT545-hw03-Data visualization with ggplot2

Here I show some grammar for graphics and use ggplot2 to view the gapminder dataset:


Report on progress

  • I had a lot of problems trying to plot 2 different y-variables to the same plot AND keeping the original units/trend. I feel like I really over did it on the line graphs, but there is a little bit of magic in each :).
  • I also had a problem labeling the text once it was in jitter form! Adding text only seemed to align to the geom_point position.

Here are some references that really helped me:

  • One that will allow you to customize your background.
  • Two is a good place for labels, scales, and any other need you may have!
  • Three helped me add a legend and also helped with adding multiple y variables to a plotand.
  • Four helped with some of my axis issues!
  • Five helped with adding text directly to my plots!

STAT545-hw04- Reshaping, joining, and life lessons about data frames

Over here, I show how to subset the gapminder dataset and show how to reshape and join other datasets to gapminder using: spread() gather(), and xxx_join()


Report on progress

  • I had problems trying to get the 2 mini data frames side by side. I tried "knitr::kable(list(DF.1,DF.2)), which would be executed properly in R, but it did not work when I tried to knit it.

Here are some references that really helped me:

  • One showed me how to rename variables after spreading them out.
  • Two helped me add the R-squared value to my plot.
  • Three helped teach me how to reshape data.
  • Four help me understand how to use the join functions!
  • The economic status for selected countries was found Here
  • The HDI stands for Human Development Index. This index is an indirect measure the quality of life in the respective country. An HDI score of 1 = you live in a paradise, and an HDI of 0 = you live in a cruel place. The HDI information was collected Over Here

STAT545-hw05- Where it all comes together

Here I show how to play with factors, read files in and out of R, and using Dplyr and ggplots along the way:


Report on progress

  • I thought cow plots was fun to use, BUT it took me forever to figure out that to use cow plots you need to have the plot previously printed and assigned. At first I was only assigning them and I consistently got an error!
  • I also had problems getting the pathway to the attached PDF. To attach a PDF I had to specify the path from my work environment to pdf... which was in the same spot, so I ended up only needing to state the name of the pdf.

Here are some references that really helped me:

  • One showed me how to use cow plots!
  • Two showed me how to work with factors!
  • Three showed me how to save files and bring them back into R.

A goodbye

Thank you all for looking at my repo!


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