- Python 3.x compatible
- New visualizations: colors, weighted dots, weighted segments
- New CBS: stretches of blacklisted bins serve as certain breakpoints
- New param to force gender typed analysis
- Fixes: issue #15; issue with multithreading (now it doesn't use more cores than requested ...); index interval issue R vs python
- True between-sample z-scoring technique. Less subject to other-than-the-studied aberrations.
- No more manual fetal gender selection prior to 'newref', thanks to '--nipt' argument. '--nipt' flag clusters female and male feti in two groups. Including male feti for autosomes processing improves NIPT normalization, possibly caused by X and Y reads that wrongly map autosomes.
- Y-fraction parameter argument is removed.
Important remark
All samples should be remapped prior to using this version. There are lots of changes, even in the earliest stage (convert) that could negatively impact the performance wisecondorX when using a .npz file in v1.x.x that was created in v0.2.x.