What's Changed
Other Changes
- Feature/update cef 106 by @tishion in #167
- 修复 QCefView.framework 无法被 codesign 的问题 by @le0zh in #192
- feat: better QCefViewTest on MacOS by @le0zh in #199
- Reform the download function by @tishion in #211
- fix: detect altgr key state by checking ctrl+alt state by @tishion in #212
- Update: update core by @tishion in #216
- Fix problems for Qt 5.12 by @tishion in #221
- update README.md by @L-Super in #235
- Removed CefEnableHighDPISupport function on higer version by @L-Super in #239
- Refactor of the popup browser implementation by @tishion in #244
- Update QCefView.h comments by @L-Super in #245
- Update QCefConfig.h by @L-Super in #254
- fixed wrong comment by @L-Super in #256
- some improve by @L-Super in #257
- fixed wrong comment and rename by @L-Super in #258
- improve readme.md by @L-Super in #259
- update QRegion api by @L-Super in #264
- fixed typo by @L-Super in #282
- Add Drag and drop handler by @L-Super in #287
- add clear cookies by @AIR-HH in #293
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v1.0.7...v1.0.8