linux c++ command line program that output the RMS level of the selected audio input to the terminal console. Useful for testing if RtAudio is working well on a particular device. Press ENTER to stop it. Tested on debian jessie and stretch, on x86 and ARM (raspberry pi). master
branch is for debian stretch, for debian jessie use git checkout jessie
It depends on RtAudio (instructions for debian-based systems):
sudo apt-get install librtaudio-dev librtaudio5
on an ARM system you need rtaudio5a
sudo apt-get install librtaudio-dev librtaudio5a
Compile with make
, execute with ./rms-cli
It accepts optional arguments:
-d to set the audio device
-sr to set the sample rate
-b to set the buffer size
-l just list the devices and then exit
just run it without argument for default values ( rms-cli -d 0, -sr 44100, -b 1024