- 畫面
- 使用者能瀏覽全部餐廳資訊
- 使用者能新增一筆餐廳資訊
- 使用者能刪除一筆餐廳資訊
- 使用者能查閱一筆餐廳資訊
- 使用者能修改一筆餐廳資訊
- Node.js: v10.15.0
- Express: v4.17.1
- Express-Handlebars: v4.0.4
- body-parser: v1.19.0
- mongoose: 5.9.14
- mongoDB Community Server: 4.2.6
- Open the terminal and clone our project
git clone https://github.com/Carrot7712/FoodAdvisor_CURD.git
- Access the directory
cd FoodAdvisor_CURD
- Intall npm
npm install
- Requrie seed
npm run seed
- Execute the project
npm run dev
- You will see following information in your terminal if things go successfully.
Express is listening on localhost:3000
Now, open the Chrome browser and go to http://localhost:3000 to check some amazing restaurants.