World's Smallest Restaurent Site built by Node.js and Express.
- 使用者能在首頁一目了然餐廳名稱、類型、評分
- 使用者能於搜尋欄輸入餐廳名稱或類別進行篩選
- 使用者能點擊照片了解各餐廳地址、電話及特色
- 使用者能盡情伸縮畫面因為我們有響應式設計讚
- Node.js: v10.15.0
- Express: v4.17.1
- Express-Handlebars: v4.0.4
- Nodemon: v2.0.3
- Open the terminal and clone our project
git clone https://github.com/Carrot7712/FoodAdvisor.git
- Access the directory
cd FoodAdvisor
- Intall npm
npm install
- Intall nodemon
npm install nodemon
- Run the project
npm run dev
- You will see the following information in your terminal if things go successfully.
Express is listening on localhost:3000
Now, open the Chrome browser and go to http://localhost:3000 to check some amazing restaurants!