A simple Video annotation made with python + opencv for detection in yolo format
You will need OpenCV with ffmpeg lib
conda create -n videoannotation python=3.6
conda activate videoannotation
conda install -c menpo opencv
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install opencv-contrib-python
Build docker image (It will take something like 20 minutes or more, depends of your network speed. Because It´s pulls Ubuntu image and install all dependencies, and build OpenCV). This command only need to run once.
docker build . -t "videoAnnotation:core"
You need to make the Display exportable
xhost +local:root
Run and have fun!
docker run -it --rm -e DISPLAY=${DISPLAY} -e QT_X11_NO_MITSHM=1 -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix videoannotation:core
To pass data through container -> pc host
docker cp ContainerDockerNumber:/root/VideoAnnotation/ .
To pass data through pc host -> container (Pass video file to container)
docker cp dataPathInHostPc ContainerDockerNumber:/root/VideoAnnotation/
python VideoAnnotation.py video.mp4
- q - Quit
- Mouse Left - Create new BoundBox, drag to change the dimension
- Mouse Right - Erase actual BoundingBox
- WASD - Move the BoundBox
- 8456 - Change width and height
- Space - Next frame
- Z - Previous
- 79 - Change current bound box
- '/' or '*' - Change current class
- '-' - Delete the bound box
- R - Get bound box from labels.txt
- ID - Id of the label
- Jump - How many pixels WASD/8456 will change
- Skip - How many frames will be skipped
Givem a video file, it will create:
└── VideoFolder (The same name of the video file)
├── Ground (Fold of ground imagens with BoundBox)
├── JPEGImages (Fold of imagens without BoundBox)
├── labels (Fold with the .txt labels files in yolo format)
└── imgList.txt (List with full directory of images inside JPEGImages folder)
(ID) (absoluteX/imgWidth) (absoluteY/imgHeight) (absoluteWidth/imgWidth) (absoluteHeight/imgHeight)
Class Id = 0
absoluteX = 50 (X of the center of the BoundBox)
absoluteY = 50 (Y of the center of the BoundBox)
absoluteWidth = 100 (Width of the BoundBox)
absoluteHeight = 100 (Height of the BoundBox)
imgWidth = 400 (Image width)
imgHeight = 400 (Image Height)
0 50/400 50/400 100/400 100/400
Label: 0 0.125 0.125 0.25 0.25
1. Organize the code
2. Make automatic BoundBox
Carlos Pena (GitHub )
Heitor Rapela (GitHub )