This api works for minecraft versions 1.19.4, 1.20.x, 1.21.x
An API for easily creating custom blocks that is heavily inspired by the Fabric API. For information on how to use this API, see the GitHub wiki.
- Easily define and implement custom blocks with minimal effort.
- Seamlessly integrates with Minecraft's existing mechanics and systems.
- Supports a GUI for browsing and obtaining custom blocks.
Command | Description | Permission |
/listCustomBlocks | Opens a GUI listing all custom blocks. Use left-click to obtain a block. | customblocks.commands.gui |
/getCustomBlock | Provides the specified custom block directly. | customblocks.commands.get |
Grape Block
public class GrapesBlock extends CustomBlock { public static BooleanProperty BERRIES; static { BERRIES = Properties.BERRIES; } public GrapesBlock(BlockSettings settings) { super(settings, 4, new ItemBuilder(Material.EMERALD).setCustomModelData(4).setDisplayName("§r§6" + settings.getName()).build()); setDefaultState(getDefaultState().with(BERRIES, false)); } @Override public void appendProperties(PropertyListBuilder propertyListBuilder) { propertyListBuilder.add(BERRIES); } @Override public CustomBlockState getPlacementState(ItemPlacementContext ctx) { return getDefaultState().with(BERRIES, true); } @Override public ActionResult onUse(CustomBlockState state, World world, Location location, Player player, EquipmentSlot hand) { if (state.get(BERRIES) == false) { return ActionResult.SUCCESS; } state.with(BERRIES, false); state.update(); //DropItem ItemStack stack = new ItemStack(Material.SWEET_BERRIES); stack.setAmount(blockRandom.nextInt(2) + 1); world.dropItem(location.add(settings.getWidth() / 2, 0, settings.getWidth() / 2), stack); //Regrow new BukkitRunnable() { @Override public void run() { state.with(BERRIES, true); state.update(); } }.runTaskLater(CustomBlocksApiPlugin.getInstance(), blockRandom.nextInt(60) + 200); return ActionResult.SUCCESS; } @Override public void applyInitialModelTransformations(ItemDisplay display) { display.setRotation(blockRandom.nextInt(360), 0); } @Override public CMDLookupTable createCMDLookupTable(CMDLookupTableBuilder tableBuilder) { return tableBuilder.with(BERRIES, false).hasCustomModelData(5).addElement() .with(BERRIES, true).hasCustomModelData(4).addElement().build(); } }
Animated Computer Block
public class AnimatedComputerBlock extends SimpleAnimatedBlock { private static BooleanProperty ENABLED; static { ENABLED = Properties.ENABLED; } public AnimatedComputerBlock(BlockSettings settings) { super(settings, new ItemBuilder(Material.DIAMOND).setCustomModelData(6).setDisplayName("§r§6" + settings.getName()).build(), 10, 7, 6); setDefaultState(getDefaultState().with(ENABLED, false)); } @Override public void appendProperties(PropertyListBuilder propertyListBuilder) { propertyListBuilder.add(ENABLED); } @Override public void onNeighborUpdate(CustomBlockState state, World world, Location location, CustomBlock block, Location fromPos) { state.with(ENABLED, location.getBlock().getBlockPower() > 0); state.update(); } @Override protected boolean shouldPlayFrames(TickState state) { return state.getCustomBlockState().get(ENABLED); } }
To add this project as a dependency to your pom.xml, you must first add the repository:
After that you need to add the dependency:
To add this API as a dependency for your Gradle project, make sure that the dependencies
section in your build.gradle
looks like this
looks like this
dependencies {
implementation 'de.canstein_berlin:CustomBlocksApi:1.0.0'
// ...
This project is hosted on Cloudsmith, so make sure your repositories section looks like this
repositories {
maven {
url ""