Scrapes from UK Council websites running the ModernGov software. Uses Sidekiq to fan out, but then concurrency control in sidekiq.yml to not hammer the websites. Just run ScrapeCouncilsWorker.perform_async
to get started.
It upserts over existing data, so it can be run periodically over a recent time period. (Meetings appear and then are later updated with more documents).
You'll need Ruby 3.2, Redis + Postgres setup locally
rails db:setup
foreman start -f
To kick off the scraping process run ScrapeCouncilsWorker.perform_async
in rails c
The initial dataset of council URLs was scraped from Google with Puppeteer. This is included under council_list_scraper/
NODE_ENV=development yarn start
- How do we get the correct day (for late minutes)
- Try pulling structured attendees
- Find a way to stop pulling dupe docs (e.g. when there is a 'pack' of all the docs, and then individual versions)
- Scrape attendees directly from ModernGov data instead of parsing PDFs?
- Support the other 20% of councils who seem to be on different software