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Main implementation directory for the RealCake development, presented in "Verified Compilation and Optimization of Floating-Point Programs"


Content in the directory can be build with Holmake.

Files contained in this directory:

CakeMLtoFloVerLemsScript.sml: Lemmas for connection to FloVer, the translation function is defined in CakeMLtoFloVerScript.sml, and the main connection theorem in CakeMLtoFloVerProofsScript.sml

CakeMLtoFloVerProofsScript.sml: Main connection theorem relating FloVer's roundoff error bound to CakeML floating-point kernel executions

CakeMLtoFloVerScript.sml: Translation from CakeML floating-point kernels to FloVer input

cfSupportScript.sml: Support lemmas for CF proofs in the end-to-end correctness theorems

examples: FPBench benchmarks used in the evaluation of PrincessCake.

floatToRealProofsScript.sml: Proofs about translation from floating-point computations to real-number computations. Needed to prove simulations in the end-to-end correctness theorems.

floatToRealScript.sml: Translation from CakeML floating-point computations to CakeML real-number computations.


FloVer - A Certificate Checker for Roundoff Error Bounds

icingTacticsLib.sml: Tactic library for PrincessCake development

icing_optimisationProofsScript.sml: Correctness proofs for peephole optimisations supported by PrincessCake Each optimisation is defined in icing_optimisationsScript.sml. This file proves the low-level correctness theorems for a single application of the optimisation. Real-valued identity proofs are in icing_realIdProofsScript.sml. The overall correctness proof for a particular run of the optimiser from source_to_source2Script is build using the automation in icing_optimisationsLib and the general theorems from source_to_source2ProofsScript.

icing_optimisationsLib.sml: Library defining HOL4 automation that builds an optimiser correctness theorem for an optimisation plan.

icing_optimisationsScript.sml: Peephole optimisations used by PrincessCake This file defines all the optimisations that are can be used by the PrincessCake optimiser, defined in source_to_source2Script.sml . The local correctness proofs for each optimisation are in the file icing_optimisationProofsScript.

icing_realIdProofsScript.sml: Real-number identity proofs for Icing optimisations supported by CakeML Each optimisation is defined in icing_optimisationsScript. This file proves that optimisations are real-valued identities. The overall real-number simluation proof for a particular run of the optimiser from source_to_source2Script is build using the automation in icing_optimisationsLib and the general theorems from source_to_source2ProofsScript.

icing_rewriterProofsScript.sml: Correctness proofs for the expression rewriting function Shows that matchesExpr e p = SOME s ==> appExpr p s = SOME e

icing_rewriterScript.sml: Implementation of the source to source floating-point rewriter This file defines the basic rewriter, used by the optimisation pass later. Correctness proofs are in icing_rewriterProofsScript.

new_backendProofScript.sml: Proof of a new overall compiler correctness theorem for the global constant lifting, showing that it is semantics preserving

optPlannerProofsScript.sml: Correctness proof for optimization planner

optPlannerScript.sml: Unverified optimisation planner. Definitions in this file correspond to the function ‘planOpts’ from Section 5 of the PrincessCake paper.

pull_wordsScript.sml: Implementation and correctness proof of the global constant lifting (Section 7.2)

pureExpsScript.sml: Implements a predicate to check whether an expression is pure, i.e. does not use memory or the FFI

source_to_source2ProofsScript.sml: Overall correctness proofs for optimisation functions defined in source_to_source2Script.sml. To prove a particular run correct, they are combined using the automation in icing_optimisationsLib.sml with the local correctness theorems from icing_optimisationProofsScript.sml.

source_to_source2Script.sml: This file defines the PrincessCake optimiser as a source to source pass. Function ‵stos_pass_with_plans‵ corresponds to ‵applyOpts‵ from the paper. General correctness theorems are proven in source_to_sourceProofsScript. The optimiser definitions rely on the low-level functions from icing_rewriterScript implementing pattern matching and pattern instantiation.

supportLib.sml: Library defining commonly used functions for Icing integration