Bugs and solution regarding python programming
For example:
import OpenSSL
import OpenSSL.SSL
import requests
response = requests.get("http://www.doc.ic.ac.uk")
Windows - solution:
1. download pyopenssl cryptography
(pip install --upgrade pip)
pip uninstall pyopenssl cryptography
pip install pyopenssl cryptography
import openssl:
python -v -c 'from OpenSSL import SSL'
2. copy \Anaconda3\envs\py2\Library\bin\ libcrypto-1_1-x64.dll & libssl-1_1-x64.dll and paste them to \Anaconda3\envs\py2\DLLs
Notice: py2 env
this method is from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mN8SLBsvSCU
Finally, no bug in windows ~ happy
Linux - solution:
🥹🥹🥹 No idea at all, please tell me if you know it ~~~
2023/2/28 nnUNet 训练
data = batch['data']
target = batch['target']
data = data.to(self.device, non_blocking=True)
if isinstance(target, list):
target = [i.to(self.device, non_blocking=True) for i in target]
target = target.to(self.device, non_blocking=True)
# Autocast is a little bitch.
# If the device_type is 'cpu' then it's slow as heck and needs to be disabled.
# If the device_type is 'mps' then it will complain that mps is not implemented, even if enabled=False is set. Whyyyyyyy. (this is why we don't make use of enabled=False)
# So autocast will only be active if we have a cuda device.
with autocast(self.device.type, enabled=True) if self.device.type == 'cuda' else dummy_context():
output = self.network(data)
# del data
l = self.loss(output, target)
if self.grad_scaler is not None:
self.grad_scaler.unscale_(self.optimizer) # 这里要求Initialize network的时候换成.to(dtype=torch.float32)
torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(self.network.parameters(), 12)
torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(self.network.parameters(), 12)
tutorial of the visualization tools: useful links: https://cloud.tencent.com/developer/article/1631058
- open ITK-SNAP
- Segmentation -> export as surface mesh -> save
- open the saved files via ParaView
- Coloring--> Edit-->colormap-->how to change the color with more freedom???