This tool will help you to practice your algorithms in different languages. You will be given some data - usually an array of numbers, then you will be asked to use a specific algorithm on it, and supply the result. You will be timed.
You are not expected to supply the full code solution, just the output as either
a number, or a json encoded array [1,2,3,4]
You are able to modify the algorithms, and the languages which will be asked by editing the config.toml file.
When you run the app, you will be asked which of the supplied languages, and algorithms that you wish to be included in your session.
Currently algo_kata supports one dimensional arrays of integers, so we are limited to testing search and sort algorithms on those.
Example algorithms:
- Binary search
- Linear search
- Quick sort
- Bubble sort
You can either grab a binary from the releases page, or clone and build the repo.
Binary Method:
- Download the binary appropriate to your machine from the releases page.
- Run it
Build Method:
Make sure you already have go v1.22 installed and working. go version
- Clone the repo with
git clone
- Change into directory
cd algo_kata
- Install dependencies
go install .
- Build the binary with
go build .
- Use, copy, move your shiny new binary
and keep the config.toml file with it.