Gitlab bot platform.
$ yarn add @cadolabs/gbot
$ npm i @cadolabs/gbot
Sends unapproved MRs to mattermost / slack. MR will be ignored if it has Draft
$ gbot unapproved -c /path/to/config/gbot.yaml
Each setting can be set via environment variables.
Each variable must start with GBOT_
prefix. Double underscore is interpreted as nesting, for example:
GBOT_GITLAB_TOKEN=token # { "gitlabToken": "token" }
GBOT_GITLAB__TOKEN=token # {"gitlab": { "token": "token" } }
Example of the config file:
url: "<chat.postMessage URL>" # Slack chat.postMessage endpoint
token: "<TOKEN>" # Slack token with chat:write scope
channel: "<CHANNEL>" # Mattermost / Slack channel where will be messages sent
markup: "slack" # Messenger markup (default - "markdown").
# Possible values:
# - "markdown" (for Mattermost)
# - "slack" (for Slack)
username: "@cadolabs/gbot" # Sender's display name
icon: "<icon url>" # Sender's icon url
pavel: "U020DSB741G" # Mapping of Gitlab username to Slack ID
token: "<TOKEN>" # GitLab Private Access Token
url: "<gitlab api url>" # Gitlab API base url
groups: # List of your project’s groups (optional if projects are defined)
- id: 4 # Group id
excluded: [1, 2, 3] # List of projects to exclude from the current group projects (optional)
- id: 5
projects: # List of your project (optional if groups are defined)
- id: 42 # Project id
paths: # List of paths that should be changed in merge requests
- src/**/*
- id: 43
# tasks config
unapproved: # Config for `unapproved` command
emoji: # Emoji which will be set for each MR (optional)
24h: ":emoji1:" # If MR's last update time more than 24 hours
# Time interval can be set in seconds, minutes,
# hours and days (30s, 10m, 5h, 2d)
12h: ":emoji2:" # If MR's last update time more than 12 hours
default: ":emoji3:" # Default emoji (if other ones wasn't matched)
tag: # Specify who will be tagged in messenger
approvers: false # Tag approvers or not (default - false)
author: false # Tag author of PR or not (default - false)
commenters: false # Tag thread commenters or not (default - false)
onThreadsOpen: false # Whether to tag thread authors and PR author when threads are present
onConflict: false # Whether to tag PR author if there are conflicts
diffs: false # Show changed lines count or not (default - false)
splitByReviewProgress: false # Whether to split the requests into those completely without review, those that under review and those with conflicts
requestsPerMessage: 15 # Merge requests count per message
checkConflicts: false # Whether to check PR conflicts
Groups in the config are Gitlab project groups. You must specify the group or the project, or both.
Fork it ( ) Create your feature branch (git checkout -b feature/my-new-feature) Commit your changes (git commit -am '[feature_context] Add some feature') Push to the branch (git push origin feature/my-new-feature) Create a new Pull Request
Released under MIT License.
Created by Aleksei Bespalov.