Version 2 is not yet officially released on the marketplace (it's in the testing phase for now). You can however download it manually from the releases section in this repository.
This is a plugin for Stream Deck for managing Discord Voice chats:
- Shows list of people in your voice chat.
- You can adjust volume for each user.
- You can mute each user by clicking on his name button.
- Indication when a user is speaking.
- Self mute and deafen buttons (deafen only on XL, mute on XL and STD)
- Supports Standard, Mini, XL, Mobile and SD+ Decks.
- You can adjust the audio mixer panel to your needs, it's quite modular - you can move buttons around etc.
- Tested on W10x64.
Stuck on
Loading property inspector...
- Try installing the MSVC 2019 x64 runtime.
: Missing client ID/secret- You haven't filled the credentials. See the Configuration section below.
: Could not connect to Discord- Check that the Discord app is running.
- Check that the plugin is not blocked by firewall.
- Check that you're not running Discord or the Stream Deck software under different privilleges (say as admin).
- Try restarting the Discord.
: Your credentials are wrong- Check that you've configured everything properly on the Discord Developer Portal, it has to be exactly as in the screenshot in the Configuration section.
- Make sure that you're connected on the Discord with the same account you've used on the Discord Developer Portal.
- Try resetting your Client secret in the Discord Developer Portal and putting a new one into the plugin.
- After everything, restart the Discord client.
: Double check that you're using the same account in the Discord App as in the Developer Portal. -
:- Make sure your app in the Discord Developer Portal doesn't contain the word "Discord" in the name.
- Triple check the configuration in the Discord Developer Portal.
- Turn off both Discord and Stream Deck software. Then turn on Discord. After it fully loads, turn on Stream Deck.
Avatars are not visible, otherwise everything works.
- Update the Stream Deck software.
- !!! First read Configuration below !!!
- If the plugin does not work:
- Check the "common problems" above.
- Try uninstalling and reinstalling it.
- Make sure you're not running the Discord or the Stream Deck software with administrator privileges.
- Check if there are not multiple profiles for "Discord Volume Mixer". If yes, remove them all and try again.
- Download and install the plugin from the Stream Deck Marketplace (preferred, handles auto updates) or from the releases.
- Add the "Discord Volume Mixer" button on your deck.
- Go to the Discord developer portal (if the link asks you for login and then shows the Discord app, close the window and click this link again) and create an application.
- You must use the same account in to the Developer portal as in your Discord application, otherwise it won't work. (You can add the other account as app tester though.)
- You're setting this stuff up for your own account, not for any bot or anything else.
- Create a new application. You can name it however you like, for example "DVM".
- Do not use "Discord" in the name of the app, apparently the Discord doesn't like it.
- In the newly created application under "Installation" (this page could be hidden under the menu button on the top left corner in smaller windows), set "Install link" to "Discord provided link".
- Hit "Save changes".
- Under "OAuth2", add redirect to
- Hit "Save changes".
- Copy
Client ID
andClient secret
and paste it in your Discord Volume Mixer button settings (the button used to access the volume mixer).- If you don't see the client secret, but only the "Reset Secret" button, simply click on the button, it will give you a new secret.
- Click on the Discord Volume Mixer button. Discord will ask you for some permissions & firewall and stuff.
- Done.
Don't play with the configuration of the buttons in the Volume Mixer profile unless you know what you're doing.
- Qt 6 (tested on Qt 6.2.1 MSVC 2019 Win x64)
- QtStreamDeck2 for Stream Deck control.
- QtDiscordIPC for Discord control (IPC through QLocalSocket).
- Icons8 icons
- Big kudos to Krabs for helping me out with profiles for the XL version and testing and overall being awesome.
- Self status button