This Python package provides a simple interface for retrieving weather data from the National Weather Service (NWS) API.
To install this package, simply run the following command:
pip install nws-weather
First, import the package:
from NWS_Weather import current_weather, predicted_weather
To get the current weather for a given location, use the current_weather
weather = current_weather(station='KJFK')
weather = current_weather(lat=40.64, lon=-73.76)
weather = current_weather(zipcode=11430)
for w in weather:
To get the predicted weather for a given location, use the predicted_weather
weather = predicted_weather(gridX=91, gridY=13, gridId='ARX')
weather = predicted_weather(lat=40.64, lon=-73.76)
weather = predicted_weather(zipcode=11430)
for w in weather:
To get the active alerts for a given location, use the active_alerts
alerts = active_alerts(area="WI")
alerts = active_alerts(lat=40.64, lon=-73.76)
alerts = active_alerts(region="GL")
alerts = active_alerts(zone="NYZ072")
alerts = active_alerts(region_type="land")
alerts = active_alerts(zipcode=11430)
for a in alerts:
is the NWS observation station ID. You can find the station ID for your location here.Lat
is the latitude and longitude of the location you want the weather for.Zipcode
is the zipcode of the location you want the weather for.GridX
is the grid coordinates and ID of the location you want the weather for.Area
is the state you want the active alerts for.Region
is the region you want the active alerts for. (Can only be "AL", "AT", "GL", "GM", "PA", "PI")Zone
is the zone id you want the active alerts for you can find them here.Region_type
is the region type you want the active alerts for. (Can only be "land" or "marine")
The observation object contains the following attributes:
observation.timestamp # datetime object of the observation time
observation.raw_message # raw message from the NWS API
observation.text_description # text description of the weather
observation.icon # url to icon representing the weather
observation.present_weather # present weather
observation.temperature # the observed temperature
observation.dewpoint # the observed dewpoint
observation.wind_direction # the observed wind direction
observation.wind_speed # the observed wind speed
observation.wind_gust # the observed wind gust
observation.barometric_pressure # the observed barometric pressure
observation.sea_level_pressure # the observed sea level pressure
observation.visibility # the observed visibility
observation.max_temperature_last_24_hours # the observed max temperature last 24 hours
observation.min_temperature_last_24_hours # the observed min temperature last 24 hours
observation.precipitation_last_hour # the observed precipitation last hour
observation.precipitation_last3_hours # the observed precipitation last 3 hours
observation.precipitation_last6_hours # the observed precipitation last 6 hours
observation.relative_humidity # the observed relative humidity
observation.wind_chill # the observed wind chill
observation.heat_index # the observed heat index
observation.cloud_layers # the observed cloud layers
The forecast object contains the following attributes:
forcast.start_time # datetime object of the forcast start time
forcast.end_time # datetime object of the forcast end time
forcast.is_daytime # True if the forcast is for daytime, False if it is for nighttime
forcast.temperature # The forcasted temperature
forcast.temperature_trend # The forcasted temperature trend
forcast.probability_of_precipitation # The forcasted probability of precipitation
forcast.dew_point # The forcasted dew point
forcast.wind_speed # The forcasted wind speed
forcast.wind_direction # The forcasted wind direction
forcast.icon # The icon that represents the forcasted weather
forcast.short_forecast # The short forcast
forcast.detailed_forecast # The detailed forcast
The alert object contains the following attributes: # the alert id
alert.area_desc # the area description
alert.same_code # the same code
alert.ugc_code # the Universal Geographic Code
alert.affected_zoned # the zones affected by the alert
alert.sent # the time the alert was sent
alert.effective # the time the alert when into effect
alert.onset # the expected time of the beginning of the subject event of the alert message.
alert.expires # the time the alert expires
alert.ends # the time the alert ends
alert.status # the status of the alert
alert.message_type # the message type of the alert
alert.category # the category of the alert
alert.severity # the severity of the alert
alert.certainty # the certainty of the alert
alert.urgency # the urgency of the alert
alert.event # the event of the alert
alert.headline # the headline of the alert
alert.description # the description of the alert
alert.instruction # instructions to follow for the alert
alert.response # the way to respond to the alert