Raw data from experiments with the CST Machine Consciousness Traffic Signal Control Application. The experiments are detailed in the PhD Thesis - A machine consciousness approach to urban traffic signal control
In this raw data repository, you will find the following structure and content:
/bin: runnable .jar of the CST Architecture
(a) corridor
i. networkModel (urban network model structure)
ii. scripts (shell scripts used to run the experiments)
iii. summaryOutputs
A. fixed (results for the Fixed Times controller)
B. machineConsciousness (results for the Machine Consciousness controller)
C. parallelReactive (results for the Parallel Reactive controller)
iv. vehicleRoutesInputs (scenarios of the simulations - P=0.1,0.4,0.7 and 1.0)
(b) downtownCampinas (idem)
(c) manhattan (idem)
(d) simpleT (idem)
(e) twinT (idem)
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Copyright 2016 CST-Group