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CS410 MP2---Search Engines

In this 4-part MP, you will get familiar with building and evaluating Search Engines.

Part 3

Due: Sept 25, 2022

In this part, you will use the MeTA toolkit to do the following:

  • create a search engine over a dataset
  • investigate the effect of parameter values for a standard retrieval function
  • write the InL2 retrieval function
  • investigate the effect of the parameter value for InL2

Also, you are free to edit all files except

  • livedatalab_config.json


We'll use metapy---Python bindings for MeTA. If you have not installed metapy so far, use the following commands to get started.

# Ensure your pip is up to date
pip install --upgrade pip

# install metapy!
pip install metapy pytoml

Read the C++ Search Tutorial. Read Initially setting up the config file and Relevance judgements. Read the python Search Tutorial

We have provided the following files:

  • Cranfield dataset in MeTA format.
  • cranfield-queries.txt: Queries one per line
  • cranfield-qrels.txt: Relevance judgements for the queries
  • stopwords.txt: A file containing stopwords that will not be indexed.
  • config.toml: A config file with paths set to all the above files, including index and ranker settings.

Indexing the data

To index the data using metapy, use the following .

import metapy
idx = metapy.index.make_inverted_index('config.toml')

Search the index

You can examine the data inside the cranfield directory to get a sense about the dataset and the queries.

To examine the index we built from the previous section. You can use metapy's functions.

# Examine number of documents
# Number of unique terms in the dataset
# The average document length
# The total number of terms

Here is a list of all the rankers in MeTA.Viewing the class comment in the header files shows the optional parameters you can set in the config file:

In metapy, the rankers can be called as:

metapy.index.OkapiBM25(k1, b, k3) where k1, b, k3 are function arguments, e.g. ranker = metapy.index.OkapiBM25(k1=1.2,b=0.75,k3=500)

Varying a parameter

Choose one of the above retrieval functions and one of its parameters (don’t choose BM25 + k3, it’s not interesting). For example, you could choose Dirichlet Prior and mu.

Change the ranker to your method and parameters. In the example, it is set to bm25. Use at least 10 different values for the parameter you chose; try to choose the values such that you can find a maximum MAP.

Here's a tutorial on how to do an evaluation of your parameter setting (this code is included in

# Build the query object and initialize a ranker
query = metapy.index.Document()
ranker = metapy.index.OkapiBM25(k1=1.2,b=0.75,k3=500)
# To do an IR evaluation, we need to use the queries file and relevance judgements.
ev = metapy.index.IREval('config.toml')
# Load the query_start from config.toml or default to zero if not found
with open('config.toml', 'r') as fin:
        cfg_d = pytoml.load(fin)
query_cfg = cfg_d['query-runner']
query_start = query_cfg.get('query-id-start', 0)
# We will loop over the queries file and add each result to the IREval object ev.
num_results = 10
with open('cranfield-queries.txt') as query_file:
    for query_num, line in enumerate(query_file):
        results = ranker.score(idx, query, num_results)                            
        avg_p = ev.avg_p(results, query_start + query_num, num_results)
        print("Query {} average precision: {}".format(query_num + 1, avg_p))

Writing InL2

You will now implement a retrieval function called InL2. It is described in this paper: For this assignment, we will only concern ourselves with writing the function and not worry about its derivation. InL2 is formulated as


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, where


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It uses the following variables:

  • Q,D,t : the current query, document, and term
  • N : the total number of documents in the corpus C
  • avgdl : the average document length
  • c > 0 : is a parameter

Determine if this function captures the TF, IDF, and document length normalization properties. Where (if anywhere) are they represented in the formula? You don’t need to submit your answers.

To implement InL2, define your own ranking function in Python, as shown below. You do not need to create a new file, the template is included in You will need to modify the function score_one. Do not forget to call the InL2 ranker by editing the return statement of load_ranker function inside

The parameter to the function is a score_data sd object. See the object here.

As you can see, the sd variable contains all the information you need to write the scoring function. The function you’re writing represents one term in the large InL2 sum.

class InL2Ranker(metapy.index.RankingFunction):                                            
    Create a new ranking function in Python that can be used in MeTA.             
    def __init__(self, some_param=1.0):                                             
        self.param = some_param
        # You *must* call the base class constructor here!
        super(InL2Ranker, self).__init__()                                        
    def score_one(self, sd):
        You need to override this function to return a score for a single term.
        For fields available in the score_data sd object,
        return (self.param + sd.doc_term_count) / (self.param * sd.doc_unique_terms + sd.doc_size)

Varying InL2’s parameter

Perform the same parameter analysis with InL2’s c parameter.

Statistical significance testing

Modifying the code in "Varying a parameter" section, you can create a file with average precision data.

Use BM25 as a ranker and create a file called bm25.avg_p.txt.

Then use your ranker InL2 and create a file called inl2.avg_p.txt.

Each of these files is simply a list of the APs from the queries.

We want to test whether the difference between your two optimized retrieval functions is statistically significant.

If you’re using R, you can simply do

bm25 = read.table('bm25.avg_p.txt')$V1
inl2 = read.table('inl2.avg_p.txt')$V1
t.test(bm25, inl2, paired=T)

You don’t have to use R; you can even write a script to calculate the answer yourself.

In Python, you can use this function

The output of the significance test will give you a p-value. If the p-value is less than 0.05 (our chosen significance level), then we will say that there is a significant difference between the two average precision lists. That means that there is less than a 5% chance that the difference in the mean of the AP scores is due to random fluctuation.

Write the p-value in a file called significance.txt. Do not include anything else in the file, just this number!


Your grade will be based on:

  • implementing the InL2 parameter correctly -- 0.7 (70) points
  • uploading significance.txt with the p-value. -- 0.3 (30) points


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