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Running this app locally

  1. Make a copy of the env.sample file in the root directory of the project and name it .env

  2. Fill up the .env file

    Fields in the .env file that you may want to change or fill up:

    • USER_SERVICE_MONGO_ENV: By default this should be PROD, which will allow the user service database to use USER_SERVICE_MONGO_URI_CLOUD as the cloud URI. You can change it to DEV and run a local MongoDB, then putting the URI in the USER_SERVICE_MONGO_URI_LOCAL field.
    • USER_SERVICE_MONGO_URI_CLOUD: If you did not change the previous field, you will need to provide an URI to your own cloud MongoDB.
    • USER_SERVICE_JWT_SECRET_KEY: You can put your generated secret key here. Or you can use an example secret key: b00f21108ef28c3984ca9dea05e8bf297a11688779376356e34406543991c0fc36b0ee5a6cf9a30b79e835746088e11932a637553beb82d0f8bc736584697a03
    • MATCHING_SERVICE_POSTGRES_PASSWORD: You can put a new initial postgres password here or leave it as it is. Do not leave it blank or the Postgres container will fail upon startup.

    Note: QUESTION_SERVICE_MONGO_URI_CLOUD is the URI to the cloud database for question bank which is provided by default as it contains prepared question for the question service. Please do not edit this URI.

  3. Run ./ and you should see the .env file being copied to all backend service folders. If your computer does not support shell script execution, you can manually copy the .env file into user-service, matching-service, question-service, editor-service and chat-service folders.

  4. Run docker-compose --env-file ./.env up --build

  5. Wait until all containers are compiled and running, visit localhost:3000 . (The frontend usually take the longest to compile)


cs3219-project-ay2223s1-g6 created by GitHub Classroom






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