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Group 34 PeerPrep Project

Running the application at the Deployed Endpoint

Follow the following steps to access the application via the deployed endpoint:

  1. Access the deloyed endpoint at:

Running the application locally via Docker

Use this to start up all the services to run the application locally via Docker:

  1. Run docker compose up in the project directory
  2. Access the front end at: http://localhost:3000/

Running the application locally via the raw files (without Docker)

The subsequent sections are for running the individual services locally i.e not in a docker container.

User Service

  1. In the user-service directory, rename sample-env.txt file to .env.
  2. Create a Cloud DB URL using Mongo Atlas.
  3. Enter the DB URL created as DB_CLOUD_URI in .env file.
  4. The remaining fields are for the following
    1. JWT_SECRET : Any string as long as its consistent throughout the four services.
    2. FRONTEND_URL : URL of Frontend
    3. FROM_NAME : The name that will be shown on the email if user forgot their password
    4. FROM_EMAIL : The email address that will be used to send users email if they forgot their password
    5. FROM_EMAIL_PW : The password of the email address above to log in
    6. TO_EMAIL : Used as the actual address to send as most of the emails provided are fake.
  5. Install npm packages using npm i.
  6. Run User Service using npm start.

Matching Service

  1. In the matching-service directory, rename sample-env.txt file to .env.
  2. The fields are similar to above.
  3. Install npm packages using npm i.
  4. Run Matching Service using node index.js.

Collab Service

  1. In the collab-service directory, rename sample-env.txt file to .env.
  2. The fields are similar to above.
  3. Install npm packages using npm i.
  4. Run Collab Service using node index.js.

Question Service

  1. In the question-service directory, rename sample-env.txt file to .env.
  2. The fields are similar to above.
  3. Install npm packages using npm i.
  4. Run Collab Service using node index.js.


  1. In the frontend directory, Install npm packages using npm i.
  2. Run Frontend using npm start.
  3. Access the frontend at: http://localhost:3000/


cs3219-project-ay2223s1-g34 created by GitHub Classroom






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