A simple sinatra application that allows slack to create a new support ticket using a slash command
You will need to have the sinatra app running and the slash command set up in your slack custom integrations using the url for your sinatra app, a POST
method and the name of the slash command (I used /ticket
You will also need to set up a config.ini file within the directory with the following attributes:
TMIncidentsURL = https://api.samanage.com/incidents.json
TMJWT = <Your JWT given by samanage>
admin_email = [email protected]
domain = domain.com
support_site = domain.samanage.com (or your custom support url if you have one)
From slack, you can use the command as follows:
/ticket name = "Title for ticket", description = "Description for ticket", requester = [email protected], priority = Low
is the only required attribute for the ticket creation, the command can pull your username from slack if you set up a domain in a config.ini file.
To install required gems run bundle install
You can have the site start via Phusion Passenger, or run the config.ru
file to start the site.
You can use the command via POST
request to /
and params['text']
is where the ticket information needs to be.
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on Bitbucket or Github.
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.