This project contains a Node.js application used in conjunction with a cns-broker
. When run, the simulator publishes itself to the broker, the broker then connects node contexts together using connection profiles and publishes the connections back to the node. The application works on any POSIX-compliant shell (sh, dash, ksh, zsh, bash), in particular on these platforms: unix, linux, macOS, and Windows WSL.
To install or update the application, you should fetch the latest version from this Git repository. To do that, you may either download and unpack the repo zip file, or clone the repo using:
git clone
Either method should get you a copy of the latest version. It is recommended (but not compulsory) to place the repo in the ~/cns-simulator
project directory. Go to the project directory and install Node.js dependancies with:
npm install
Your application should now be ready to rock.
Once installed, run the application with:
npm run start
To shut down the application, hit ctrl-c
This project contains two environments, one for Staging (development) and one for Production. It is recommended to push changes to Staging, test those changes, then deploy them to Production.
Push changes to Staging environment with:
npm run push
The version patch number in package.json
will automatically be incremented.
Deploy Staging changes to Production environment with:
npm run deploy
The version minor number in package.json
will automatically be incremented and the patch number reset.