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Updated a header for Literature Review #5

Updated a header for Literature Review

Updated a header for Literature Review #5

Workflow file for this run

# Basic workflow
name: build
# Controls when the action will run
# Workflow begins with push or PR events
# Focuses on the master branch only
branches: [ main ]
branches: [ main ]
# Create one single job
# This job performs all necessary checks
# Use the latest version of Ubuntu on Microsoft Azure
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# Performs all actions on different versions of Python
python-version: ["3.10"]
# Define the workflow steps
# Checkout the code of the repository
- name: Check out Repository Code
uses: actions/checkout@v2
fetch-depth: 0
# Run the mdl linting tool
# Refers to .mdlrc file in repository
- name: Run Markdown Linting
uses: actionshub/markdownlint@main
# Setup Python for the current language version
- name: Setup Python ${{ matrix.python-version }}
if: always()
uses: actions/setup-python@v1
python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }}
# Install pip
- name: Install Pip
if: always()
run: |
pip install -U pip
# Install poetry
- name: Install Poetry
if: always()
uses: abatilo/[email protected]
poetry-version: 1.1.8
# Run the Python program
- name: Run Python Program
if: always()
run: |
cd rootfinder
poetry install
poetry run rootfinder
poetry run rootfinder --a 1 --b 1 --c 1
poetry run rootfinder --a 1 --b 2 --c 1
# Run the black code formatter in checking mode
- name: Run Black Code Formatter
run: |
cd rootfinder
poetry run task black
# Run the flake8 linting tool
- name: Run Flake8 Linting Tool
run: |
cd rootfinder
poetry run task flake8
# Run the pydocstyle linting tool
- name: Run Pydocstyle Linting Tool
run: |
cd rootfinder
poetry run task pydocstyle
# Run the pylint linting tool
- name: Run Pylint Linting Tool
run: |
cd rootfinder
poetry run task pylint
# Run the mypy type checking tool
- name: Run Mypy Type Checking Tool
run: |
cd rootfinder
poetry run task mypy
# Run GatorGrader: see config/gatorgrade.yml
- name: Run GatorGrader with GatorGrade
if: always()
run: |
pip install gatorgrade
gatorgrade --config config/gatorgrade.yml