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Build edbrowse from source on Mac OS

Matthieu Talbot edited this page Oct 20, 2023 · 7 revisions

These instructions assume you are using Homebrew to manage packages. You can get it at

Before building edbrowse, you will need to install the following packages:

brew install pcre2 unixodbc

Next, clone edbrowse and a patched quickjs:

git clone
git clone quickjs

Edbrowse statically links to the patch quickjs you just cloned. Once built, there is no need to install it:

(cd quickjs && make)

Mac OS includes libedit rather than readline. If you'd prefer to build edbrowse with readline, run the following:

brew install readline
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$(brew --prefix readline)/lib/pkgconfig"

Finally, you can change to the src directory, build, and install it:

cd edbrowse/src
sudo make install

When you run edbrowse for the first time, a config file will be created for you in ~/.ebrc. At the minimum, you will want to tell edbrowse the location of a file containing CA certificates, so you can browse HTTPs sites securely. You can install the ca-certificates formula and point to it:

brew install ca-certificates
echo "$(brew --prefix)/share/ca-certificates/cacert.pem"

The last command will output the location of cacert.pem. If your Homebrew prefix is /opt/homebrew, the relevant line in .ebrc will look like this:
