Create a Shadertoy account. Either fork this shadertoy, or create a new shadertoy and copy the code from the Debugging Puzzle.
Let's practice debugging! We have a broken shader. It should produce output that looks like this: Unbelievably beautiful shader
It don't do that. Correct THREE of the FIVE bugs that are messing up the output. You are STRONGLY ENCOURAGED to work with a partner and pair program to force you to talk about your debugging thought process out loud.
Extra credit if you can find all FIVE bugs.
- Create a pull request to this repository
- In the README, include the names of both your team members
- In the README, create a link to your shader toy solution with the bugs corrected
- In the README, describe each bug you found and include a sentence about HOW you found it.
- Make sure all three of your shadertoys are set to UNLISTED or PUBLIC (so we can see them!)