From standard-frag.glsl
- Camera-space depth of the fragment
- World-space surface normal of the fragment
- Albedo (base color) of the fragment.
In deferred-render.glsl
- Lambertian surface reflection
- Ambient lighting, so areas that would be very dark are slightly lit.
- Directional or point light illumination by at least one light source.
- a time-offset noise-based image.
- Used fbm for noise
In tonemap-frag.glsl
, implemented reinhard from Filmic Worlds blog.
three of the effects listed below to receive full credit for this assignment.
Crosshatching =
- Use Dat.GUI to make some element(s) of your post-processes interactive, even something as simple as being able to activate and deactivate a process. (5 - 15 points)
- Implement an additional feature from the set listed above (15 points)
- FXAA (7 points)
- Shadow mapping (25 points)
- Custom 3D scene with new OBJs and textures (5 - 10 points)
- Screen-space ambient occlusion (30 points)