Generate nmea-0183 string of types :
- Depth of water (SDDPT)
On a Raspberry pi :
Install ubuntu server on as sdcard with the user ubuntu
Connect the usb serial adapter on the Raspberry
apply the power on the raspberry
validate if the serial adapter is detected by the OS ls /dev/ttyU* you should see ttyUSB0
clone the repository in /home/ubuntu
Validate and modify the setting for the serial port and baudrate in the nano /home/ubuntu/SonarSimulator/ python /home/ubuntu/SonarSimulator/Script/ /dev/ttyUSB0 9600 the 2 last argument are the serial port and the baudrate ex: python /home/ubuntu/SonarSimulator/Script/ /dev/ttyUSB1 9600 python /home/ubuntu/SonarSimulator/Script/ /dev/ttyAMA0 115200
go in the install directory and run the installation script cd /home/ubuntu/SonarSimulator/Install ./
The script is installed as a service. If you do some modification in the file you have to relaunch the service. sudo systemctl restart nmea
to show the status of the service : sudo systemctl status nmea to start the service : sudo systemctl start nmea to stop the service : sudo systemctl stop nmea