Probablilistic robotics
- localisation with landmarks
- localisation with edges
- measurement errors (sensors are not accurate)
- actuation errors (actions never do excactly wht they are supposed to)
P(E|O) = probablity that E is true given that we observe O
P(cold|cough) = P(cold) * P(cough|cold) i.e. . if we know the prior probability that I have a cold (without any evidence) and I know that a cold causes a cough, with some probability, then we can calculate the posterior probability
Bayes rule: P(H|E) = P(H) x P(E|H)
or bel(x_t) = bel(x_t-1) x prob(observation)
• The Kalman filter is commonly used to update the estimate of the robot’s state • Two phases:
- Prediction (Process Update) • predicts where the robot will be after performing an action
- Correction (Observation Update) • use observations to correct prediction • What follows is only a sketch of the Kalman filter • It’s nowhere near the complete algorithm
Robot determining if door is open
- observsation 2 states: open or close
- robot has two actions: push or nothing
Robot moves • Predict new position based on what motor actions are expected to do • Measure • Uses sensors to estimate motion • Update position estimate (often a Kalman Filter)
Particle filter 1 - rdm guess 2 .. 3 - weifht particle
(Full SLAM) • Position tracking alone will accumulate errors • If the robot recognise a landmark that it has seen before • it can correct drift by updating estimate based on measurement of landmark • Error correction is back-propagated