Change from v4.11.0:
- fixed build on OpenWrt
Brief list of changes from v4.9.0:
- IPFIX: propose new variable (cmd line option) to set ipfix template refresh rate
- DPDK: improvement of config and init script
- Flow cache: improve hashing to incorporate VLAN info
- statistics: improved monitoring capability, added additional statistics
New plugins:
- GRE: add new plugin to export GRE tunnel information
- VLAN: add new plugin to export VLAN information
- NetTiSA: Add new NetTisa process plugin, see
- OVPN: Improvements (Added RTP header validation function, Improve detection)
- HTTP: Add parsing HTTP response headers server and set-cookie names
- ICMP: Add new ICMP process plugin to export ICMP information
- Flow Hash: add new plugin to export Flow Hash field
- templates and byte encoding (HTTP)
- QUIC: bugfixes and checks