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Merge pull request #372 from mdunser/CMGTools-from-CMSSW_7_2_3
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first version of susyEdge incorporating susyMultilepton
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gpetruc committed May 15, 2015
2 parents 9cb2252 + 43eaad3 commit 0e04849
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Showing 14 changed files with 909 additions and 0 deletions.
299 changes: 299 additions & 0 deletions CMGTools/TTHAnalysis/cfg/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,299 @@
## skim condition: >= 2 loose leptons, no pt cuts or id ##
import PhysicsTools.HeppyCore.framework.config as cfg

#-------- LOAD ALL ANALYZERS -----------

from CMGTools.TTHAnalysis.analyzers.susyCore_modules_cff import *

#-------- REDEFINE WHAT I NEED -----------

# Lepton Skimming
ttHLepSkim.minLeptons = 2
ttHLepSkim.maxLeptons = 999
#ttHLepSkim.idCut = ""
#ttHLepSkim.ptCuts = []

# Run miniIso
lepAna.doMiniIsolation = True
lepAna.packedCandidates = 'packedPFCandidates'
lepAna.miniIsolationPUCorr = 'rhoArea'
lepAna.miniIsolationVetoLeptons = None # use 'inclusive' to veto inclusive leptons and their footprint in all isolation cones

# Electron Preselection
lepAna.inclusive_electron_id = "POG_Cuts_ID_PHYS14_25ns_v1_ConvVetoDxyDz_Loose_full5x5"
lepAna.inclusive_electron_pt = 5
lepAna.inclusive_electron_eta = 2.4
lepAna.inclusive_electron_lostHits = 4.0
lepAna.inclusive_electron_dxy = 0.5
lepAna.inclusive_electron_dz = 1.0

lepAna.loose_electron_id = "POG_Cuts_ID_PHYS14_25ns_v1_ConvVetoDxyDz_Loose_full5x5"
lepAna.loose_electron_pt = 5
lepAna.loose_electron_eta = 2.4
lepAna.loose_electron_relIso = 999
lepAna.loose_electron_dxy = 0.1
lepAna.loose_electron_dz = 0.2
lepAna.loose_electron_lostHits = 4.0
lepAna.ele_tightId = "Cuts_PHYS14_25ns_v1_ConvVetoDxyDz"

# Muon Preselection
lepAna.inclusive_muon_id = "POG_ID_Tight"
lepAna.inclusive_muon_pt = 5
lepAna.inclusive_muon_eta = 2.4
lepAna.inclusive_muon_dxy = 0.2
lepAna.inclusive_muon_dz = 0.5

lepAna.loose_muon_id = "POG_ID_Tight"
lepAna.loose_muon_pt = 5
lepAna.loose_muon_eta = 2.4
lepAna.loose_muon_dxy = 0.2,
lepAna.loose_muon_dz = 0.5,
lepAna.loose_muon_relIso = 999
lepAna.mu_tightId = "POG_ID_Tight"

isolation = "relIso03"
## not needed for edge if isolation == "ptRel":
## not needed for edge # delay isolation cut for leptons of pt > 10, for which we do pTrel recovery
## not needed for edge lepAna.loose_muon_isoCut = lambda muon : muon.relIso03 < 0.5 or > 10
## not needed for edge lepAna.loose_electron_isoCut = lambda elec : elec.relIso03 < 0.5 or > 10
## not needed for edge # in the cleaning, keep the jet if the lepton fails relIso or ptRel
## not needed for edge jetAna.jetLepArbitration = lambda jet,lepton : (
## not needed for edge lepton if (lepton.relIso03 < 0.4 or ptRelv1(lepton.p4(),jet.p4()) > 5) else jet
## not needed for edge )
## not needed for edge ttHCoreEventAna.leptonMVAKindTTH = "SusyWithBoost"
## not needed for edge ttHCoreEventAna.leptonMVAKindSusy = "SusyWithBoost"
## not needed for edge ttHCoreEventAna.leptonMVAPathTTH = "CMGTools/TTHAnalysis/macros/leptons/trainingPHYS14leptonMVA_PHYS14eleMVA_MiniIso_ttH/weights/%s_BDTG.weights.xml"
## not needed for edge ttHCoreEventAna.leptonMVAPathSusy = "CMGTools/TTHAnalysis/macros/leptons/trainingPHYS14leptonMVA_PHYS14eleMVA_MiniIso_SusyT1/weights/%s_BDTG.weights.xml"
## not needed for edge # insert a second skimmer after the jet cleaning
## not needed for edge ttHLepSkim2 = cfg.Analyzer(
## not needed for edge ttHLepSkimmer, name='ttHLepSkimmer2',
## not needed for edge minLeptons = 2,
## not needed for edge maxLeptons = 999,
## not needed for edge )
## not needed for edge susyCoreSequence.insert(susyCoreSequence.index(jetAna)+1, ttHLepSkim2)
## not needed for edge elif isolation == "miniIso":
## not needed for edge lepAna.loose_muon_isoCut = lambda muon : muon.miniRelIso < 0.4
## not needed for edge lepAna.loose_electron_isoCut = lambda elec : elec.miniRelIso < 0.4
## not needed for edge elif isolation == None:
## not needed for edge lepAna.loose_muon_isoCut = lambda muon : True
## not needed for edge lepAna.loose_electron_isoCut = lambda elec : True
## not needed for edge else:
## not needed for edge # nothing to do, will use normal relIso03
## not needed for edge pass

# Switch off slow photon MC matching
photonAna.do_mc_match = False

#-------- ADDITIONAL ANALYZERS -----------

## Event Analyzer for susy multi-lepton (at the moment, it's the TTH one)
from CMGTools.TTHAnalysis.analyzers.ttHLepEventAnalyzer import ttHLepEventAnalyzer
ttHEventAna = cfg.Analyzer(
ttHLepEventAnalyzer, name="ttHLepEventAnalyzer",
minJets25 = 0,

## JetTau analyzer, to be called (for the moment) once bjetsMedium are produced
from CMGTools.TTHAnalysis.analyzers.ttHJetTauAnalyzer import ttHJetTauAnalyzer
ttHJetTauAna = cfg.Analyzer(
ttHJetTauAnalyzer, name="ttHJetTauAnalyzer",

## Insert the FatJet, SV, HeavyFlavour analyzers in the sequence

## Insert declustering analyzer
from CMGTools.TTHAnalysis.analyzers.ttHDeclusterJetsAnalyzer import ttHDeclusterJetsAnalyzer
ttHDecluster = cfg.Analyzer(
ttHDeclusterJetsAnalyzer, name='ttHDecluster',
lepCut = lambda lep,ptrel : > 10,
maxSubjets = 6, # for exclusive reclustering
ptMinSubjets = 5, # for inclusive reclustering
drMin = 0.2, # minimal deltaR(l,subjet) required for a successful subjet match
ptRatioMax = 1.5, # maximum pt(l)/pt(subjet) required for a successful match
ptRatioDiff = 0.1, # cut on abs( pt(l)/pt(subjet) - 1 ) sufficient to call a match successful
drMatch = 0.02, # deltaR(l,subjet) sufficient to call a match successful
ptRelMin = 5, # maximum ptRelV1(l,subjet) sufficient to call a match successful
prune = True, # also do pruning of the jets
pruneZCut = 0.1, # pruning parameters (usual value in CMS: 0.1)
pruneRCutFactor = 0.5, # pruning parameters (usual value in CMS: 0.5)
verbose = 0, # print out the first N leptons
jetCut = lambda jet : > 20,
mcPartonPtCut = 20,
mcLeptonPtCut = 5,
mcTauPtCut = 15,
susyCoreSequence.insert(susyCoreSequence.index(ttHFatJetAna)+1, ttHDecluster)

## JZB specific VARIABLES: jzb, pt1, pt2, phi1, phi2, eta1, eta2, mll, index1, index2
from CMGTools.TTHAnalysis.analyzers.ttHJZBTopologicalVars import ttHJZBTopologicalVars

ttHJZBTopologicalVars = cfg.Analyzer(
ttHJZBTopologicalVars, name = 'ttHJZBTopologicalVars'

from CMGTools.TTHAnalysis.analyzers.treeProducerSusyEdge import *
## Tree Producer
treeProducer = cfg.Analyzer(
AutoFillTreeProducer, name='treeProducerSusyEdge',
vectorTree = True,
saveTLorentzVectors = False, # can set to True to get also the TLorentzVectors, but trees will be bigger
defaultFloatType = 'F', # use Float_t for floating point
PDFWeights = PDFWeights,
globalVariables = susyJZBEdge_globalVariables,
globalObjects = susyJZBEdge_globalObjects,
collections = susyJZBEdge_collections,

## histo counter

#-------- SAMPLES AND TRIGGERS -----------

## from CMGTools.TTHAnalysis.samples.samples_13TeV_PHYS14 import triggers_mumu_iso, triggers_mumu_noniso, triggers_ee, triggers_3e, triggers_mue, triggers_1mu_iso, triggers_1e
## triggerFlagsAna.triggerBits = {
## 'DoubleMu' : triggers_mumu_iso,
## 'DoubleMuNoIso' : triggers_mumu_noniso,
## 'DoubleEl' : triggers_ee,
## 'TripleEl' : triggers_3e,
## 'MuEG' : triggers_mue,
## 'SingleMu' : triggers_1mu_iso,
## 'SingleEl' : triggers_1e,
## }

from CMGTools.TTHAnalysis.samples.samples_13TeV_PHYS14 import *

selectedComponents = [
] + WJetsToLNuHT + DYJetsM50HT + [ #DYJetsToLL_M50,
TTJets ]+ SingleTop +[
WZJetsTo3LNu, ZZTo4L,
SMS_T1tttt_2J_mGl1500_mLSP100, SMS_T1tttt_2J_mGl1200_mLSP800,
T5ttttDeg_mGo1000_mStop300_mCh285_mChi280, T5ttttDeg_mGo1000_mStop300_mCh285_mChi280_dil,
T5qqqqWW_mGo1200_mCh1000_mChi800_dilep, T5qqqqWWDeg_mGo1000_mCh315_mChi300_dilep
if False:
ttHLepSkim.minLeptons = 1
selectedComponents = [ QCD_Mu15 ] + QCD_Mu5 + QCDPtEMEnriched + QCDPtbcToE

selectedComponents = [TTJets]

# -- fine splitting, for some private MC samples with a single file
for comp in selectedComponents:
comp.splitFactor = 400
#comp.fineSplitFactor = 4

#-------- SEQUENCE -----------

sequence = cfg.Sequence(susyCoreSequence+[

#-------- HOW TO RUN -----------

from PhysicsTools.HeppyCore.framework.heppy import getHeppyOption
test = getHeppyOption('test')
if test == '1':
comp = TTH
if getHeppyOption('T1tttt'):
comp = SMS_T1tttt_2J_mGl1500_mLSP100
if getHeppyOption('H4L'):
comp = GGHZZ4L
comp.files = comp.files[:1]
comp.splitFactor = 1
if not getHeppyOption('single'):
comp.fineSplitFactor = 4
selectedComponents = [ comp ]
elif test == '2':
comp = TTJets
comp.files = comp.files[:1]
comp.splitFactor = 1
comp.finesplitFactor = 4
selectedComponents = [comp]
## elif test == 'EOS':
## comp = DYJetsToLL_M50#TTJets
## comp.files = comp.files[:1]
## if getHeppyOption('Wigner'):
## print "Will read from WIGNER"
## comp.files = [ 'root://eoscms//eos/cms/store/mc/Phys14DR/DYJetsToLL_M-50_13TeV-madgraph-pythia8/MINIAODSIM/PU20bx25_PHYS14_25_V1-v1/00000/0432E62A-7A6C-E411-87BB-002590DB92A8.root' ]
## else:
## print "Will read from CERN Meyrin"
## comp.files = [ 'root://eoscms//eos/cms/store/mc/Phys14DR/DYJetsToLL_M-50_13TeV-madgraph-pythia8/MINIAODSIM/PU20bx25_PHYS14_25_V1-v1/10000/F675C068-5E6C-E411-B915-0025907DC9AC.root' ]
## os.system("/afs/ fileinfo "+comp.files[0].replace("root://eoscms//","/"))
## comp.splitFactor = 1
## comp.fineSplitFactor = 1
## selectedComponents = [ comp ]
## elif test == 'SingleMu':
## comp = SingleMu
## comp.files = comp.files[:1]
## comp.splitFactor = 1
## selectedComponents = [ comp ]
## elif test == '3':
## for comp in selectedComponents:
## comp.files = comp.files[:1]
## comp.splitFactor = 1
## comp.fineSplitFactor = 4
## elif test == '5':
## for comp in selectedComponents:
## comp.files = comp.files[:5]
## comp.splitFactor = 1
## comp.fineSplitFactor = 5
## elif test == '2lss-sync': # sync
## #eventSelector.toSelect = [ 11809 ]
## #sequence = cfg.Sequence([eventSelector] + susyCoreSequence+[ ttHEventAna, treeProducer, ])
## jetAna.recalibrateJets = False
## jetAna.smearJets = False
## comp = SMS_T1tttt_2J_mGl1200_mLSP800
## comp.files = [ 'root://eoscms//eos/cms/store/mc/Phys14DR/SMS-T1tttt_2J_mGl-1200_mLSP-800_Tune4C_13TeV-madgraph-tauola/MINIAODSIM/PU20bx25_tsg_PHYS14_25_V1-v1/00000/0CD15D7F-4E6B-E411-AEB4-002590DB9216.root' ]
## comp.splitFactor = 1
## comp.fineSplitFactor = 10
## selectedComponents = [ comp ]

## output histogram
from import TFileService
output_service = cfg.Service(

# the following is declared in case this cfg is used in input to the script
from PhysicsTools.HeppyCore.framework.eventsfwlite import Events
from import EOSEventsWithDownload
event_class = EOSEventsWithDownload
if getHeppyOption("nofetch"):
event_class = Events
config = cfg.Config( components = selectedComponents,
sequence = sequence,
services = outputService,
events_class = event_class)
37 changes: 37 additions & 0 deletions CMGTools/TTHAnalysis/python/analyzers/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
from CMGTools.TTHAnalysis.analyzers.treeProducerSusyCore import *
from CMGTools.TTHAnalysis.analyzers.ntupleTypes import *

# including the multilepton analyzer and all its stuff
from CMGTools.TTHAnalysis.analyzers.treeProducerSusyMultilepton import *

susyJZBEdge_globalVariables = susyMultilepton_globalVariables + [

NTupleVariable("l1l2_m", lambda ev : ev.l1l2_m, help="Invariant mass of two leading leptons"),
NTupleVariable("l1l2_pt", lambda ev : ev.l1l2_pt, help="Pt of the two leading leptons"),
NTupleVariable("l1l2_eta", lambda ev : ev.l1l2_eta, help="Eta of the two leading leptons"),
NTupleVariable("l1l2_phi", lambda ev : ev.l1l2_phi, help="Phi of the two leading leptons"),
NTupleVariable("l1l2_DR", lambda ev : ev.l1l2_DR, help="DR of the two leading leptons"),
NTupleVariable("genl1l2_m", lambda ev : ev.genl1l2_m, help="Invariant mass of two leading gen leptons"),
NTupleVariable("genl1l2_pt", lambda ev : ev.genl1l2_pt, help="Pt of the two gen leading leptons"),
NTupleVariable("genl1l2_eta", lambda ev : ev.genl1l2_eta, help="Eta of the two gen leading leptons"),
NTupleVariable("genl1l2_phi", lambda ev : ev.genl1l2_phi, help="Phi of the two gen leading leptons"),
NTupleVariable("genl1l2_DR", lambda ev : ev.genl1l2_DR, help="DR of the two gen leading leptons"),
NTupleVariable("jzb", lambda ev : ev.jzb, help="JZB variable"),

susyJZBEdge_globalObjects = susyCore_globalObjects.copy()

susyJZBEdge_collections = susyMultilepton_collections.copy()

"genleps" : NTupleCollection("genLep", genParticleWithLinksType, 10, help="Generated leptons (e/mu) from W/Z decays"),
#"selectedLeptons" : NTupleCollection("lep", leptonTypeSusy, 50, help="Leptons after the preselection", filter=lambda l :>10 ),
"cleanJetsAll" : NTupleCollection("jet", jetTypeSusy, 100, help="all jets (w/ x-cleaning, w/ ID applied w/o PUID applied pt>10 |eta|<5.2) , sorted by pt", filter=lambda l :>10 ),
"selectedPhotons" : NTupleCollection("gamma", photonTypeSusy, 50, help="photons with pt>20 and loose cut based ID"),
"generatorSummary" : NTupleCollection("GenPart", genParticleWithLinksType, 100 , help="Hard scattering particles, with ancestry and links"),



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