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Adrian Fritz edited this page Jun 19, 2019 · 21 revisions

The following file format definitions are used in data exchange between stages of the CAMI pipeline.


  • BIOM file
    For running the from_profile mode, a BIOM file is required. For details on this format, please consult the link given above. Also make sure that the id column of your OTUs do not contain special characters (for example &, | or ;) and that the taxonomy field is in the "greengenes taxonomy format", e.g. ["g__Escherichia"," s__Escherichia coli"]

  • Configuration File
    This contains the options and values required for the pipeline to run and a path to this file is a required program argument for the de novo simulation and, if not the default config is supposed to be used, also for the from profile mode. The following arguments from the config file expect a file path:

  • id_to_genome_file
    Tab separated data table. It maps genome ids with the file path to genomes.

    • Column 1: Genome id
    • Column 2: file path
  • metadata Tab separated data table It maps genome ids with additional information of their classification

    • Row 1 (header): genome_ID\tOTU\tNCBI_ID\tnovelty_category
    • Column 1: Genome id
    • Column 2: Operational taxonomic unit (OTU) - membership in some taxonomic unit
    • Column 3: NCBI taxonomy identifier
    • Column 4: novelty category - if a genome is not in the database, how "new" is it in comparison to genomes in the NCBI (new_strain, new_species, new_genus, ...)
      Also see more information on this file here: Genome selection
  • id_to_gff_file
    Optional, tab separated data table. It maps genome ids with the file path to the gene annotation of a genome.

    • Column 1: Genome id
    • Column 2: file path
  • distributions_file_path Path to optional, tab separated data tables. If this option is not blank, no distribution will be drawn, but the abundance values provided within this file are used. It maps genome ids to their abundance in a certain sample, one file for each sample is required. The individual files per sample should be comma-separated

    • Column 1: Genome id
    • Column 2: Abundance (float)



'{i}' is the index for each sample that is to be generated.

  • Column 1: genome_ID
  • Column 2: abundance

'genome_ID' is the identifier of the genomes used.
'abundance' is the relative abundance of a genome to be simulated. 'abundance' does not reflect the amount of genetic data of a genome, but the amount of genomes.
In a set of two genomes, with both having a abundance of 0.5 but one genome is double the size of the other, the bigger genome will be 66% of the genetic data in the simulated metagenome.


All given genomes will be copied and placed in this folder. Doing this, sequence names are made sure to be unique and renamed if required. Comments and descriptions of sequences are removed.


This file contains a list of replaced sequence ids.

  • Column 1: genome_ID
  • Column 2: original sequence id
  • Column 3: new sequence id


List of genomes paths to the copies in the output directory in the 'source_genomes' folder.

  • Column 1: genome_ID
  • Column 2: file path


Merged meta data of genomes of each community that are actually used for the simulation.


Unused meta data of genomes of every community.


bam files generated based on reads generated from the read simulator


If no anonymization is not done in which case the original fastq files will be here.


If anonymization is done, this will be the only fastq file.


Mapping of reads for evaluation

  • Column 1: anonymous read id
  • Column 2: genome id
  • Column 3: taxonomic id
  • Column 4: read id


Fasta file with perfect assembly of reads of this sample


Mapping of contigs for evaluation

  • Column 1: anonymous contig id
  • Column 2: genome id
  • Column 3: taxonomic id
  • Column 4: sequence id of the original genome (in 'source_genomes' folder)
  • Column 5: number of reads used in the contig
  • Column 6: start position
  • Column 7: end position


Fasta file with perfect assembly of reads from all samples


Mapping of contigs from pooled reads for evaluation.

  • Column 1: anonymous_contig_id
  • Column 2: genome id
  • Column 3: taxonomic id
  • Column 4: sequence id of the original genome (in 'source_genomes' folder)
  • Column 5: number of reads used in the contig
  • Column 6: start position
  • Column 7: end position


Taxonomic profile for each sample


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